My friend Miss Misery challenged, one and all, to a game of MarioKart, on the Wii the other, day. I have a co worker who will take a week off, to immerse himself in the ``World of Warcraft'' My favourite computer game. Or video game, whatever the cool kids, are calling them now, are the age of empires, series I first discovered the game, in a demo disk, one of my brothers had picked up. I downloaded the demo, on the old Hewlett Packard. It may have been on a 2.5 disk. I played the demos day and night. I was hooked. I should explain the premise. Of Age of empires. its a real time strategy game. You basically try to dominate the world. You start of with a stone age tribe, and by collecting resources, you build up your military and industrial base, to a point, where you can beat your neighbours in combat, or surpass them in public worlds, wealth or points. So, you tribe, starts off, gathering fruit from bushes, and hunting animals, and later learns how to farm , build fishin...