Fair Gabriella
(From ``Sleeping under the cross’’) Juan knew he should have been recounting his ordeal to Gabriella Oh she was beautiful. Her hair was like drying corn. The strands of gold shone out. Her eyes green like the plains. Green and full of life. Her body, concealed in dark serge. More bountiful then his masters fields. Juan knew Gabriella had got her letters from somewhere Oftentimes Juan wondered if the maids wit was greater then his. For simple Gabriella parried his approaches like an expert duelist. Juan never doubted that the great God in heaven has a plan. Yet he had often seen, that his earthly Lord had trouble realizing his scheme on earth. Someone needed to oil the muskets, and keep the street rats, and Indios from running riot. The great General relied on his Captains. A Captain, should have a woman, to comfort him. Thus Juan would have been relating the importance of his role in recent events. Juan would be impressing on fair Gabriella the dangers that he h...