There is nothing so strange as the recent past. I remember watching the eleventh hour. Its a different world. I was living in another hemisphere. 2010. Now thats the name of an Arthur C Clarke novel, Which has been left on my shelf at homeIn the time before Plaza Vea and Inka Cola. A life left behind I loved the Amy pond Cameo at the end. She is still radiant Was Peter Capaldi's Doctor exclamation of New Kidneys-supposed to be cruder...Also he cannot fly the TARDIS. Interesting. I wonder how they are going to play that. I can understand that they want a lot of distance between Doctor 13 and Malcolm Tucker, are they going back to the Doctor cannot fly the Tardis I wondered if Mother superior was originally drafted as River song. You have been fighting the pyschopath inside you all your life. Ditto the Truth field on Trenzalore-surely that was supposed to be important. There seemed to be a hint about this with the Doc, tricking a wooden Cyberman. What happened to it? There ...