I have been rewatching the series It makes me feel old ,the appreciation of the fact the series is almost 10 years old. I was at least thirty when I first saw this series. So twice the age of the leads. I remember those empty desperate days. Trying anything to do something cool Kudos to the producers for playing with the formula. They subvert the narrative by starting the credits as if this was a horror. We learn that Will, the series narrator is at University and very much unloved. Will and Simon have been tricked into attending a party in fancy dress. The inbetweeners though on the face of it , a British small screen answer to the teen gross out comedies -porkies-American pie-et al. Differs from its American cousins, the Inbeeners is firmly about class Will is told to piss off by the public school set, at his university. Wills love rival bears a double barrelled name. -Actually common in the lowest orders of the Spanish speaking world. Oh and decidedly...