
Showing posts from July, 2016


I suppose I should say something. I just do not know what to say...I could not come to a decision on the matter my self.


Not as good as District 9 Its clearly a metaphor for illegal immigration. Not a subtle one. Matt Damon, does a good job, as the Gringo everyman.  There are Saff Afrikan baddies... The problem is that the solutions to the dystopia exist to readily and easy Why is Elysium, just always in view. Not moving further and further away...Yes its because the USA, or Europe, do not drift off. The West is always there...teasing and tempting the great unwashed We see a broken world. Unfortunately there are robot cops. So why is there not a robot cop, on every corner. They are robots... Its a reasonably good but forgettable film


It's another solid piece of film making from Disney -Marvel. Michael Douglas appears Young and Haley appears old. Thanks to the magic of CGI. It's a great CGI spectacle. We see a new world through the eyes of our hero. The Bathtub wasteland. The horrors of the vacuum cleaner It is nice to see Evangeline Lilly again. I would not let my daughter keep an Ant as a pet. The oversized Thomas the Tank engine is more horrific than the ant.


Congratulations Mother and Mariead Welcome