Doctor Who season 10
I like Pearl Mackie she comes across with the right mixture of naivete and curiosity. She looks the part, She feels clumsy Thin Ice. I was annoyed the Dr hit, the baddie for the racial slur. Is this going to happen all the time? Compare this to the treatment of Martha in Human nature. Where Martha has lived with constant insult both deliberate and unconscious. I get it, the Doctor despises Racism. Trying shouting the MESSAGE louder and louder. I liked the joke about the Doctor, looking for a man with a ship tattoo by the docks. The Lodger A waste of a good guest star. Suchet is brilliant. The juxtaposition at the end is good. Bill pointing out to the Doctor that a dad does not bring insects into the house to show his sick daughter. But for god's sake give Suchet a meatier role. This is the point the Trial of a Timelord podcast made. Who gets these stars and wastes them... Oxygen. The Walking Dead in space. I liked this one. I wonder if it fits into the same continuity as ...