The point of this eexcercise is recursion. Characters telling a story about other characters A Man in the Darkness A long time ago. Or maybe yesterday or perhaps a million years from now Or Maybe it is a Woman in the dark. Who knows? Does it matter? A smile breaks out across their face he activates the device. To watch Others watching Others Three Tall Men in Light. In White Gowns stand in the Judgement They see across Time, and Space. Lording over it all. Masters of the Universe. The Doctor is leaning on the Tardis Console- He is alone and asleep Jamie, comes into the control room The Highlander notices.. the Dr sleeping his arm, I didnae know he really did.. Jamie mutters just loud enough for us to hear He catches a glimpse of himself on the montior. There is a Black Woman, middle aged and proud- with the word unknown written across her The One in Darkness.. Smiles to himself... Our Jamie walks up behind the Doctor … BOO! Dr : Jamie Really! That was uncalled for...