Deadpool and Wolverine
Yeah I enjoyed film Reynold cleans up the mess that is the Marvel-Fox multiverse. Wolverines Mask's being described as having blowjob handles-made me laugh. Ditto ``I wish I was deaf''- The whole scene of Deadpool using the corpse of Logan to find off the TVA were funny too Subtext is for cowards gig A pity they did not get Vinny Jones as Wolverine- Or maybe not. Gambit's Cajun accent is shown as the horror it truly is.. Are there any Cajun's left? They seem to just exist for comedy now I loathe American astrology The Deadpool movies are pure generation X /Millenial nostalgia-The sweet wine of memberberries ``It's a damn cold night .. '' The fight scenes are silly- Reynolds and Jackman have genuine chemistry. The argument in the car is one of my favorite scenes in the whole of the MCU. I am going to fight you now I have seen Elektra in the cinema, I can remember absolutely nothing about it . It was nice to see ``little ears- Je...