I love Cheers, I like Simon Nye - I still enjoy watching Men Behaving Badly. Nye also wrote one of the best Dr Who stories of the revival. Amy's Choice I am unsurprised to discover plans exist to reboot Cheers. I can understand why people, and by people I mean shareholders and executives want to reboot it. Cheers is a classic still broadcast on Channel 4, -The podcast draws an audience Cheers is also cheap- A studio set, and a few cameras. It is almost Theatre In fact there was a Mexican remake in the 00s https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/tv/news/cheers-sitcom-british-remake-b2622008.html That said, why not just make a funny pub sitcom. “The attitudes of Cheers in the ‘80s are very different to the attitudes of today, so there’s a massive amount of work to be done around taking inspiration from the original characters but creating something fresh.” Firstly people were forgetting the series. Cheers is gay friendly from...