Shelf Life
Today I went to the supermarket, and I bought a digital camera.
I actually got a different camera then the one I'd planned to buy. I picked up a Sony Cybershot: DSC-S650
It is 7.2 megapixels. Much smaller then I had thought
I ended up spending most of my money for the month. However after my last trip to Iceland. I wanted to get something better, then just my mobile phones camera. (Icelandic landscape deserves something more. To say nothing of the cityscapes of the Americas)
This is the shelves to the left of my computer.
The biggest improvement, over my mobile phone, is the colour. I am very pleased by this, the royal blue, in the Icelandic flag, and the pink of the pig are well, easy on the eye.
Yes, I know, I said, I would not get a digital camera. I have already been gently reminded,