
Two friends, are invited too a party. They have to bring the booze. They hope the kudos from this will win the hearts and other organs  of two lovely ladies. Its the last days before college. Their final summer. Afterward they will go their separate ways.
They are still in HS. They rebuke a classmate with the information they remember him pissing his pants. One of the two friends,
A third friend, has managed to create a fake id. A Hawaiian state organ donor card. Which was entitled Mclovin. He manages to buy booze, for the party, when a robbery, has him shanghaied by a pair of Cops.
An African Jew, an odd crime for jews.. The police try to be very PC, with the pretty shop clerk
The people at the older party, are often in soccer shirts, Brazil, and Italy. There is more of a threat, at the older party, then in the normal teen movies.
No real hi jinks. Rather  a sense, that the boys could be beaten, and blooded. They might really be hurt. This is not a bunch of kids playing Ice Hockey
You probably know Yoda from attack of the Clones. Not from Starwars.  There is
Teenagers still drink Groschlager. Does anyone over 25 drink the stuff?
The penis pictures at the end, is wrong. Its really wrong...
The film, is a comedy and resolved almost in the traditional sense. However, its different, in there is resolution after the fact. The one wild night, ends up as they so often do disappointing
The heroines of the story. Or the love interest, get a POV scenes towards the end. There could have been more of this. Most teen films, mean girls coming to mind as an exception, oops, clueless, pretty in pink, and 16 candles, okay, most teen films are not exclusively male. I think they could have done more with the female contrast and comparison.
Superbad catches onto the the fact that youth is a time of great anticipation, great expectations. Despite, you haven't lived for very long, you can still feel a lifetimes disappointment at 16


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