Whip it

(NB. this was written before Page transitioned)

I went out with a girl, because of Ellen Page, I think I moped over her for a year. 
Ellen is the Girl I wish I’d have met when I was 16
Oh God, she is pretty!
Its a curious mesh of a story. Ellen, plays a girl pressured by her mother to enter beauty contests, chooses to play Roller Derby in Austin.( Austin, is a college town, btw, its probably the most liberal metropolis in all of the fair state of Texas
The strictness of alcohol laws in Texas, is shown. The secondary lead is busted for an open container. The Fire marshal one of the figures of distant menace from my College days shuts down the roller derby
One of the girls, looks like a much older version of my very pretty friend Kata
Hello Eve! I remember you from Glee. Her and Drew Barrymore, and Julliette Lewis, all have fun in their roles. Lewis playing Iron Maiven. Barrymore as Smashly Simpson. The film loves its puns
There is a great scene when the announcer tries to hit on two Lesbians, and is quickly dismissed
I wondered if the Coach was supposed to be Kevin Smith. He had some great lines, when
Ellen Page is curiously is believable as a roller derby star, she is so small she could be thrown around. If she played soccer she would
Its was lovely to hear Jolene played, and see Ellen dance to it. I love Dolly Parton.
Ellen’s accent became Texan, now and than. She said Y’all as if it was written into the script, rather than naturally. Ellen like a great many beauties is Canadian: Avril Lavigne, Pam Anderson.
Ellen removes her shirt to trade it with her love interest. This is a great scene. I wish the morning had been a little colder.
The film is not as clever as it thinks it is. The original novel was probably much cleverer, but I would watch Ellen Page in anything. Thus you may deduce I liked this film,


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