Black Swan

 Black Swan

I never realised just how dark the story of Swan lake is. I don't really know much about Ballet. I have never seen a ballet. My friend Sol, studied ballet. From seeing her pictures, I learned how physically demanding it is, I say I learned. I saw from the agony on my friends face. There are scenes in the film, when Natalie is drenched with sweat. But to return to my point. The ballet Swan lake, is the story of two Swans. Who try to win the heart of a prince. The Black Swan seduces the Prince, and the White Swan kills herself, death being her only release

A fairy tale, and like the best fairy tales a dark truth hides beneath the family fable

Black swan is  a woman's world. A world of s bitchiness, and neurosis. The antagonist, is a hot house flower. Nina, who has gained a position at the New York Ballet. She is striving to step out of the chorus line, and into the lime light. She strives to surpass her mother, She sits alone when the rest of the girls huddle together to gossip. There is no man in her life, but the director and a pervert on the NYC subway

The camera lingers on locks, on the apartment door. In which Nina and her Mother live. The world is kept outside. The world Nina lives in is isolated. Her mother paints pictures of her. Her father is absent. The cell phone rings, with her Mom paging her, but you never hear anyone else call

Nina's  front door, is locked, her bedroom door, is always open. Her mother is always there. Watching over her, I wondered about the age of Nina. She seemed to be playing someone too young for her age.

Natalie Portmans Nina, is in short. The type of girl we all want to meet on the internet.

Black Swan is difficult to watch. I think bravely there were no villans in this piece. Nina's mother is overbearing, and living her life through her daughter. Yet shows genuine compassion. Also to be a Prima Ballerina you have to make sacrifices. Her daughter scratches herself till she bleeds Thomas the director, is a letch. The new Ballerina from San Francisco, is loud and brash. ( Its unusual to have the native born New Yorker, as the reserved one )

I like Mila Kunis. Though sometimes, my dear I will always hear Meg.Or Robyn. She tries to get Nina to enjoy life. To lure her astray or to let her live her life

So we see a girls descent into madness the pursuit of perfection, consumes, and destroys Nina. Madness and isolation are often linked. Nina pushes apart the struts supporting her life.

A bravua performance by Miss Portman. Difficult to watch. I left the cinema in mourning


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