Skyline. Spoilers Spoilers Spoilers It feels, like a pilot for a TV series. Its about the same length. Just under an hour a half. It even has recognisable stars. Turk, from Scrubs, and Detective Angel from Dexter. Anyway, Turk is playing almost the same character he plays in scrubs. He is the cool friend of a white guy. Instead of being a surgeon, he has made it big on the west coast. So, the lead, Jarrod comes to visit Turk, with his girlfriend in tow. The girlfriend, has become pregnant. As it telegraphed to us, the viewer. With his gf, getting morning sickness. The film, is a series of homages. The most obvious is Cloverfield. Which is one of my favourite films of all time. I was surprised, that when Turk, was showing his friends his new home. He did not say. That the gf, belongs with them among the clouds- Starwars-Lando reference. Anyway, there is a party. Which I guess, it to introduce, the fact that there is a telescope, in the flat. Lifter from Sliver. Anyway the...