Oh Canada!

I saw, this in the Irish times today. I read the Irish times, as its Irish and free. I am enjoying the History of Ireland in 100 objects series, and the page from the archive,
It had been an ambition of mine to emigrate to Canada. I have an email, from a Canadian law firm, that gave me a free review of my capacity to emigrate to Canada. The Counsellor, who advised me was formerly resident in these Islands.
For years, I had the Work Canada, application form filled out.
I also tried the Green Card lottery, for the great Southern Sister, my brother had a little more success than I. His application for the US lottery was received. Mine was lost in the post.
We were almost duped a year later by an unscrupulous firm. Posing as the US department of State. We registered with them. I had neglected to send them money. I was going to post it by hand the next time, we were in the USA.
Its strange, how the eager plans of yesterday, pass away forgotten


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