The Bells of Saint John
Its a tribute to Peter Moffat that the onscreen exit of Amy and Rory stayed with me. I really did not enjoy this episode or indeed the latter half of season 7
There is not much wrong with Clara . she is very pretty . Indeed she is.
Well what happens. The great intelligence is Stealing peoples minds over the internet. So first Clara must be shown as something of an idiot. She asks if she can go on the internet after the female stage school brat
Oh yes and Carla is looking after a black British family. No I do not have a problem with this. I think the show is too pleased about it
The Dr has taken refuge in 12th century Cumbria sought sanctuary in a monastery . The maudling monk anyone
There is a nice scene where the Abbot comments on the Doctor's malady being due to a woman. Thus the novice crosses himself
I wondered about the existence of a stone monastery in Cumbria after the Harrying of the North
So the phone rings. The Dr answers and Clara speaks
Mmm. We later find out its Missy who gave her the number.
So its Missy who beats the Great Intelligence
There is some backdrop porn of London. The Shard. Houses of Parliament . So forth. There is a whole swinging London-cool Britannia vibe being projected for the US audience
The Dr and the great intelligence do not meet on screen.
Celia imrie plays her part well. Showing her range in her final scene. A cool calculating chief of operations of a culthu horror . Turning up and down her brainwashed staff intellects as needed. Dismissive of Human life.
Then a lost little girl. Who it seems spent a life time as a slave to an alien malevolence
Interesting story for Big Finish there
It grew on me.