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Accident of Birth
A short story inspired by an idea of a German victory in WW1 Washington 1940. (Somewhere past the horizon) He would let the man speak. Anything else would be wrong. It would be petty. It would detract from the solemnity of the moment. Even at Weddings the Priest allowed for dissent How did the Vice president say it? ``The Buck stopped here'' For a moment The President felt a smithereens of sympathy for his guest. The Viscount Halifax. A tall spry Man. Born into a Big House. With a crippled hand. In another walk of life. That would have made Halifax a pauper. Yet an accident of Halifax birth. His name written on a baptismal certificate in some English country Parish. Made him a man of means The president found his memory leading him down the lanes again. Halifax and him, were alike. It was an accident of birth that had been his salvation too He had been spared, when all else where killed. He had survived. He remembered the city of his birth, full of ragge...