
Showing posts from December, 2006
Various bits and pieces. A COMMON parasite can increase a women's attractiveness to the opposite sex but also make men more stupid, an Australian researcher says. (From Australian news, channel 9) I am reading The Dangerous Book for Boys. My what fun! Spider man in Belfast I hope all, any of my readers had a Merry Christmas
New Dino discovery (H/T The Independent) Meet Turiasaurus, first mega dinosaur to be found in Europe By Steve Connor, Science Editor Published: 22 December 2006 Europe can now lay claim to its own massive dinosaur with the discovery of a 150 million-year-old fossil of a leaf-eating creature which grew up to 120ft long. Scientists have discovered dozens of fossilised bones of the sauropod dinosaur at a site called Barrihonda-El Húmero near the village of Riodeva in Teruel, Spain. Fully grown, Turiasaurus riodevensis would have weighed between 40 and 48 tons, equivalent to the combined weight of six or seven adult male elephants. Its immense size puts Turiasaurus on a par with some of the largest dinosaurs in the world, whose remains have been unearthed in Africa and America but never before in Europe. Details of the discovery are published today in the journal Science by a team led by Rafael Royo-Torres of the Joint Palaeontology Foundation of Teruel-Dinopolis. Brooks Hanson, deputy edi
More Retro fun :)

Transformers The Movie 1986

``Transformers'' the movie I cried when Optimus prime died, first time. I remember seeing this in the cinema. I even managed to find the song. The Touch, on the net, with the video, by Stan Bush. Its Orson Welles last role. As the narrator, and Lenord Nimoy, and Judd Nelson doing the voices. Nimoy plays Unicorn Well, I keep wondering why the Autobots talk instead of sending wireless messages to each other. I wondered why the Earth ignored the attack on autobot city, which must have a human population. Look out point, where Bobby sees the scars  attack on the shuttle. Is cleary designed for human use. While I am nitpicking - why can't Hot Rod, IM Kupp and the other autobots during the attack There are very few Autobots and Deceptions. Around 100 or so... interesting Humanity knows FTL is possible. Cheap power sources are possible. Where is the reaction?  A Transformers annual did this better, with President Reagan forswearing an alliance with the Autobots, b