
Showing posts from September, 2017


Its been a while since I sat down and watched this film. Re-watching it now, 20 years and half the world away. I want to give a more balanced judgement, is it a classic? Mm-mm I am honestly not sure. What I notice now is actually how dislikeable everyone is, with the exception of Spud, and the guy who played Vorenus (Kevin Mckidd). I can understand why teenagers liked the movie, its rebellious, it tells a truth people take heroin because of the kick. Its full of Anti heroes. Begbie, Sic boy, and Renton. There is a dig at Thatcher, there are digs at consumerism. Even bloody Keith Allen I was surprised by the nude scenes. By the way, I was in the volcano, the line about the successful segregating themselves from the unsuccessful in mating was quite cutting The shit scenes, lose their shock effect after we have seen the scatological triumph which is Bombay millionaire. The violence is well done. Not Carlyle throwing punches but the punters gasping and begging. Interestingly the sc