
Showing posts from June, 2018

Bo and bo



I was a bit disappointed with this. I was hoping for a more in depth look at our ancestors, particularly during the cognitive revolution.  I did learn that chimps spend 5 hours a day chewing. I found the book more an overview. A useful one, but one that skirted the problems, and issues. For example, during the discussion about money, and specifically credit. Noah, uses the Spanish monarchy as an example of a state that repels credit in contrast with the Dutch republic. Or he later use the British industrial revolution to expand on the railway I think he missed things, such as the importance of dairy farming, Europe's division. The break of church and state. The dumb luck of missing the mongol invasion. That said I think the book acts as a good primer-particularly when talking about economics, and the rise of the modern capitalist /scientific state  His critique of capitalism is interesting. I agree that markets can never be totally unregulated so, you accept this and go fo

The Falcons of Malta

Its been a while since I read a new AH novel. Its been longer since, I read a WW2 novel. I am simply bored with Nazis. They are everywhere, Every dam villain in cartoons to congressional hearings is a Nazi. Yeah I get it racism is bad. Yes. There is a problem with Nazis as stock villains they always do the same villainy. Someone telegenic gets discriminated against... This leaves nothing new for the viewer what are you going to do that is going to to top Schindlers list or the Pianist There is also very little conflict- because we no the Nazis are not supermen. This was my problem with Khan in the new trek film. Khan was written as a Nazi, rather than as Superman...Bloody DC comics gets it better. Well the POD is Hitler dies, poisoned by accident after the fall of France. A Goering / Reynard H  coup takes over the Reich.  Reynard H, the hangman of Prague, uses the Nazi party to gain power over Europe and win the war. Its a cast of thousands and we see things from  Berlin palaces t