Butch Cassidy and the the Sundance Kid

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

``Most of what follows is true''

( Major spoilers)
The movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, is , a classic of the Western . It has been recognized as a work of Cultural significance in the USA. It gave its name to a film festival.
 I have seen it, on and off, a few times. . When I was younger, I suppose I identified, with Robert Redford's Sundance. Now, its with' Newman's, Cassidy. T
hose of you, who have known me for a while. Will know what I mean-When I am amused, by the thought of a protagonist. Trying to get to South America.
Seeing the film, I noticed its influence on Michaels Jordan's work. Michael Collins. The relationship between Boland, and Collins, in that film, draws on this work.
It was thinking of Mick, that made me think The Western, like the pirate movie, deals with mythic time. Before History, before bureaucracy, before industry. We were clock. I can gauge the hour, from 7 different sources in my room. TV, VCR, PC, Cable, watch, Alarm clock, mobile phone. Why because what I do is regulated. I have to be at a certain place, at a certain time, or I will not eat. (Its the basis of holding down a job)
The film, the subverts the form of a Western. The Cavalry do arrive at the end. They come to dam, rather then save the heroes.
The Statue of Liberty is seen, with our heroes departing, for another land. They are looking for somewhere else to go. Some of the last words spoken in the film. Is Butch describing Australia, as a land of easy, rich sweet pickings. Sundance asks, Banks or Women?
The question is moot. In another time, it would have been fat cattle, and buxom Women. One gets you the other Well perhaps. But the Schoolteacher needs are not just physical.

The warriors, are beaten by the soldiers. The culture of honour dies, and is replaced by a culture of law. The film starts with Butch casing a bank. We see the bank being closed for the evening. The money is hoarded away, in a safe. Locked up secured, and probably insured. A uniform security guard stands watch. Then we see Sundance, playing cards. He is accused of cheating, of dishonor. The other card player, stands up, and offers to settle the matter. The question of honor, with his gun. 
Sundance's, name. His Kudos, his Geis is revealed, and his challenger backs down.

Later at a return to there hideout. Butch is challenged by, one of his gang members. He makes an appeal to Kudos. He had got there names in the paper. Yet this achievement, will be his undoing. As we learn later. The Challenger, is quickly dispatched. But the world turns, the changes are coming. 
The robbing of a train, brings us an encounter with a railroad employee. Who will not budge, because its his job. Because he has been entrusted, by the railroad company. He carries a trust too. His honor is to shareholders and citizens, not to his name
The term railroaded applies to this film 
Remember the term, comes from the use of eminent domain. To allow railroad companies to build over people land. The state compels you, The king compels you. You have no choice. The robbing of the train brings, forward the first set of antagonists. There arrival is heralded by black smoke on the horizon. A train, has been sent, to take care of the Hole in the Gang. Filled with experienced and skilled lawmen. Who we don't see. There they are the forces of the centre. Faceless, but determined. Well paid, well armed, and well prepared. They have rifles. Butch and Sundance don't. They have the use of Trains. The Union pacific railroad has upgraded the safe. They ride at night carrying lanterns. They change the rules. Playing nice with the local sheriff, doesn't matter anymore. Sheriff talks, He spills his beans.
They can hire, the one guy, in the West. Who can track over rock. Reducing Butch and Sundance to one horse.
``There's something out there that scares you''
Observes, a Sherrif our two Heros know. Sundance should be scared. The world is no longer a safe place for outlaws- ``Who did not get killed, when they had the chance'' -Who did not pass into mythic time  Their coming for you.
 Butch tries, to make a deal, with the Government, to enlist in the Spanish American war. To retain some position, and keep his status. 
The answer is no, it doesn't matter. They don't have to deal. They are coming. You cannot, win
The Great O'Neill's pleading of alliance against Spain. Was not enough. The money the Railroad Baron spends, is more then Butch takes. But he won't come to an agreement. There is no détente. Butch and Sundance, are of the past. There not even settled, they come into town. To meet their women. The actress, playing the female lead. Shares the affections of Butch and Sundance. There not even monogamous. Butch and Sundance, aren't even there real names. They were given them. They won, them. 
As Cuchulain, as Robin Hood, did before. They are part of a past. That the world, no longer has any patience with. They are chased to an edge of a cliff. They run of land. Like the Gaels, did, like the Highlanders did. No where else to go, they jump!
(The survive the jump, and presumed dead, they head for South America. For Bolivia. They must however flee, via nyc. Taking the railroad. To do so they must dress as bank clerks, as lawyers, To survive, the journey, they must take the adapt, they must disguise themselves. In the uniform of the workaday world. Of Street signs, and Surnames. Of Society, as we know it. I
n South America, They try to return to their own ways, but just as North Carolina, would not be the Highlands, nor Perth -West Meath. They are faced with the same problem. 
Bolivia, though  a poor country. Still, has uniforms, and police, and printing presses, and trains. The two try to go straight, this leads to two scenes. In which the change to our heroes world can be observed. Firstly, Sundance is asked. To shoot. to demonstrate his suitability as a payroll guard. He misses on his first try. Why, because he doesn't know he can move. He doesn't know, how to work. He doesn't know how to take orders. He cannot follow. ``He goes his own way''
The second, is when Butch and Sundance, having dumped the payroll, to have it picked up by Bolivian bandits. Challenge them to return it. A stand off ensues. We learn that Butch, has never killed anyone. Now he has too. Its his Job.
Butches code, a self enforced system. Is not good enough. The culture of honour again, 
``I rob, but don't kill''. So what! if they locals will not form, a Posse. There are uniforms, and guns, and trains, and safes aplenty. Let them buy bikes. In the end, our heroes. Go down. Surrounded, by Police, and Soldiers. Nameless, aside from rank. Warriors have names. Soldiers have ranks. Bolivia, California. Australia. Tir Connal, Kintyre, It doesn't matter. The Kings final argument, makes his point. The two banditos Yanquis, may need a regiment. To put them down. But there is always another regiment. 1 southerner can whup 10 yankees, but there is a 11th, a 23rd, and 83,rd a 345,th a 1665th Yankee. How many Bush rangers, faced down the Kelly Gang? The bicycle replaces the horse. The Knight, by the soldier. Roland, is court-martialed, and` les paysans, est Francais''
The Minstrel boy. Is Dead.
Sundance Kid: Did you say they were hired permanent?
Etta Place: No, just until they kill you.

Most of what follows is true.

Back to the movie. Wonderful dialogue. http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Butch_Cassidy_and_the_Sundance_Kid#Dialoguehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katharine_RossIs beautiful, in a natural very un hollywood way. I have later learnt she was in Dynasty
Now this will really surprise y'all. A music recommendation from me
The music is great, sound track by Burt Bacharach, and BJ Thomas. (That's grand, I end on innuendo,)


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