Children of Men.

There are spoilers

Its a well made film, It features good performances, by the prinicpal leads. It could simply be the subject matter. A world without children, and I have never been comfortable with Dystopias. But something about this film left me cold. I have btw heard a talk given by the Author

The plot is in a world, where women can no longer get pregnant, a man has to lead a woman with child to safety.

Its London, its London that has gone wrong. The Buses are still red, even though they have digital moving advertistments. Powered rickshaws. Dogtracks, and pubs, cheek by jowl by barbed wire holding pens, and maching gun toting bobbies

The Neo Flagallentes, in Traflagar square was a nice touch.

The non smoking buliding, is funny, also when Clive Owens character

I am confused about this. The world is collapsing, so people are heading for the UK. We see French flags, and hear Irish accents, in the fugee camp. So Europes collasped. But Baby Degio in Argentina, can still be filmed, and act as a celebrity. Why would there be a problem, with Illegal immigrants. The world is dying, what would be point? It is never better elsewhere. Why does Argentina hold on ?

Julianne Moore, I think was a bit redudnant. but nevermind. Not sure, why it needed a hollywood actress. Why is she a british citizen...

The Fishes are quite an inept, rebel-terrorist group. They break into a refugee camp, which has a garrison next to it. Its on the sea. So they are effectively, coraling themselves. They are also in a place, where the UK government really doesn't need to worry about bystanders.

The New ager Midwife, being shot, and screaming hail Mary, is a nice touch.

There are times, when the film, is not subtle. The Fugee, camp with people trussed up naked, and with hoods, ala Abu Grab. The Fishes, shouting its your choice. Oh yes, and Grass would be legalised.

Clive Owens charcter makes the point. That the lady is pregnant. Reveal it is simply bigger then everything else. The argument, that they will take baby, and dispose of the lady, is only slightly true. She can breed. Do not slay the golden egg

Michael Caine, does a good job, as always`` Pull my finger.''

The Quietus, the sucide pill, handed out with the rations. The worrying scene, with MC's character using as rat bait

The Government minister, trying to save, Michaelanglos David. A pity we did not see more of that.

Despite the fact it lays it on with a trowel, in places. This was a nicely realised dystopia


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