Quantum Leap, The Boogie Man

This is piece is dedicated to my prettiest reader
Quatum Leap ``The Boogieman ''

 Here be spoilers !

 You miss them don't you? You haven't thought about them for a while- but you miss them?
 I'm talking about Al Calavichhi and Dr Samual Beckett. Oh now you remember. 
They were our friends.
 I have been delighted to catch the series, during the daytime on cable.
 When I saw the classic episode ``The Boogieman'' was scheduled, I grabbed my pen and paper, and began this review. 
Well the episode starts as always with our Hero ``Leaping'' into the body of a stranger and struggling to find his feet, and make sense of things. So Sam Beckett, stumbles around an attic. Looking for something to give him a clue  to well. Who, where, what, and how, 
(We will assume that Sam knows why, won't be answered) 
 One little nit, from someone who works with old books. Sam in his post leap grogginess, picks up a book, and sees the date and says ``1879?'' Leaving the viewer to ponder, has Sam, leapt out of his lifetime. (He will, in the leap between the states, but that's another story) A young man, in costume. Then knocks Dr Beckett down the stairs. 
The credits roll It turns out Sam, is inhabiting, haunting :) the body of a Joshua Ray. Joshua Ray lives in Maine . Joshua is a horror writer. Al, has just made his appearance and makes a reference to that other North Easterner H.P Lovecraft. Oh and Josh, is courting a woman called Dorothy. (
You are along way from Kansas- Sam ) 
Dorothy has a charming North East accent. Well done to the casting people here. A lot of shows, have everyone speaking General American, anywhere, and everywhere 
It is Halloween, Mr Ray is running the local haunted house. Ray is something of a mentor to  Stevie. Our Hero has only just got back on his feet- when misadventure strikes.
 Josh/Sam is having some repairs done on the house. By the good graces of Tully, the local Handyman. Tully is brought to down to earth by the intervention, of a goat. ( Remember what the goat is often used a symbol of )
The goat  chews on the rag, on which Tully has tethered his ladder. 
 Well, Sam has only been there 5 minutes and someone's dead. :) 
Anyway, Sam and his new friends take the death pretty much in there stride. The sheriff is called. (The sheriff chews on the end of an unstruck, match. Perhaps its a SULPHUR match? (Or he really wants Phossy jaw) With Tully's death reported, ( Sam decides not to close the spooky house) As it was all just a tragic accident Tully's widow, Dorothy Yeager, is called over by Sam/Josh and Mary. Hey your husband's dead! (Dorothy another Oz reference? ) Dorothy is also the town gossip. B
efore Dorothy arrives. Al points out a Black Mamba- one of the most dangerous snakes in the world. He also tells Sam to keep an eye on Mary Well after the Time traveler and his Girlfriend break the news. Tully is dead Dorothy who takes it rather well (Yes I know its TV) then goes to the kitchen to fetch some cider. (The non alcoholic version I presume.) Dorothy disturbs the Black Mamba that had been foreshadowed, I mean seen earlier. 2 down T
he Black Mamba is by the way, quite active in a New England Winter
. Dorothy's death. Is followed by another appearance by Al, and the discovery of another message on a typewriter.  Describing poor Dorothy's death. Al and Sam discuss things. Al is skeptical about Mary. Quite skeptical. Insisting that Mary, could have set things up. Sam, insists on the fact. 
That he saw the Goat. That his mind would remain open to all possibilities.
Al, refers to Mary, as a psychopath or some such. However our protagonists are over heard, and seen by Mary. Who takes offence at being referred to as a mad woman Mary confronts Sam/Josh. 
They argue They something weird happens, the room starts to rattle. A skull that's been mounted on the wall. Starts to fly about. Mary has convulsions and drops to the floor. Al, and Sam watch this agog and aghast. Sam offers the explanation psychokinesis. (The power to move things with your mind. I know this because I saw it in Terrahawks) 
 Well, with another dead body to be reported. Sam calls the sheriff. Whose entrance to 966 Salem avenue reverses. The first nine......... It transpires both Tully, and Yeager were, Deacons at the local church. To lose one deacon is unfortunate to lose two looks like carelessness. or something more sinister. Mary being unconcious does not help either Speaking of things sinister. Why does the Sherrif have a PENTAGRAM on his arm. Or its a drunken tattoo. A navy Man who almost got an Airforce Tattoo. Al is eager for Sam to grab the sherriff The sheriff, warns Josh/Sam with the observation.`` Thems that dance with the devil are bound to get scorched'' Well, Sam makes his Journey to the hospital, to see Mary. Who has recovered somewhat. Another zoological mishap occurs. A cat. That Sam/Josh has overlooked. Well whilst fumbling with the feline. Sam swerves to avoid a Goat. A Goat The result is Dr Beckett, drives himself into a ditch. A passerby. Helps him to his feet. A somewhat shaken, but not stirred Sam. Makes his way to the hosital where, him and Mary chat. About Limbo dancing in the Bahamas. Mary notices Sam, in her man. Well, Sam is returning from the hospital. When he comes across a patrol car. The car of the Sherriff. The Sherriff is dead. Oh my. 
 Oh My Mary was picked up by the Sheriff and taken home? Our Hero goes to face his demons.... Returning to 66... Salem ave. Stevie, returns to tell Sam, the Sherriff and Mary are inside.
 Sam sends Stevie on home... Enter Sam, enter Mary. (Sam does not enter Mary, shame on you ) The Sherriff. Well, now isn't he dead. Sam catches his hand. AL? The Sherriff is AL? No he is not....There is something wrong. Something is very wrong Sam tries to escape, with Mary but the door 
The door closes and locks of its own accord.
 Sam suggests an explanation for the door to the Anti Al. ``Advanced Psychokinesis?''
 It is Al in appearance but it is not him. Sam has noticed. Al repeat the sheriffs line about them who has danced with the devil, the only other person, who has been around from the beginning. `
`Ying and Yang, Good and evil ,God'' ...``the Devil'' `
`In the flesh so to speak''
 Sam had realized. Th
e only other person, who could had left the messages. The person who had repeated the dead deputy's words. Was Al. The only conclusion left -
Our Al, appears, and is shocked at what he sees. Oh and the Anti Al, can see him....
`` Who said you could put right, what I put wrong
'' With that the Anti Al, grabs our hero. His companion reminds him of the truth. If you can touch him you can hurt him. Sam and Anti-al. Wrestle. The Anti Al transforms into the people he has murdered. Tully, Dorothy, and the Sheriff and even the Goat and Mary. They spin, demonically quickly. Sam's hand slips...…..
 He wakes He wakes... Stevie is apologizing for startling him.
 It was all a dream. Our own Admiral Calavichi, appears to tell us that Sam, has gone AWOL for a few moments. 
That Sam, is to here, to save a Tully. Sam races to the window, and catches Tully, before he falls. Just before Sam leaps, we learn Stevie's surname. As he gets into a red Cadillac. 71384. With a big St Bernard, lollying out the window.  Stevie is of course-  Steven King, wait THE Steven King.....

Quantum leap, borrows on images from  Christian myth. Al, as an Angel. Sam leaping, ascending, a ray of light. The unknown force, the unseen hand. That moves Sam on. Working in a mysterious way. Here its cute to see, the other side of the coin. The Devil, the Goat, The Cat, and the Serpent a are all familiars. The reference to Salem, needs to no explanation. One gag, appears in retrospect The Sherriff, who we know is being impersonated by the Devil, tells Sam he doesn't need a lawyer
 The buzz, is that this episode - coincided with a number of VCR recorders failing to tape the whole episode. Or TV's switching off. Well here is a story. I remember when this was first shown. I set the VCR to record it. While I did my Homework, and it never did. I remember my sister telling me about it
 Spooky ha
.. One thing. That should be taken from this episode. Is that at no point. Does Sam, stop rationalizing. When confronted with the skull moving for no reason. He finds one Psychokinesis When the Devil slams, the door in his face. Stares Sam down. Sam, rationalizes again. Its Sam's refusal to abandon reason that saves him. Al, reminds him, if the Devil can touch him, to harm Dr Beckett. Then our Sam, can do the same.
 As Father Brown would remind us to deny reason, is bad theology. Sam never does deny reason even in a dream . Sam has like Holmes, eliminated the impossible So he accepts the improbable, as the cause. 

 Sam, and Al, we miss ya. Even when you were preachy. (Series mentions a cholesterol control act being passed at one point) Sam and Al. 

  Dr. Beckett Godspeed. 

 (BTW sorry the video is in German)


Anonymous said…
I loved it, but it made me want to see the show and I cant :(
I miss that show it was so great :)
Thank you so much.
Love and Kisses, Magga

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