The A-team Season 4

The A Team
 I eat jelly/jello with my lunch. I am almost 30 years old. Apparently this is not the done thing. A man of man years should not be eating jello. If that’s the case. Then he certainly should not be watching the A-teams 
The A team, is cheeseburger fries and a strawberry milkshake. It is Tizer, and hoola hoops.
 It is glorious. The premise, a crack commando unit, escapes to the los angles underground. Is simply, a modern way of saying Sir Hannibal Smith and his men, Page Baracus, Murdoch the fool. Friar Peck, The A-Team was nothing more then Robin hood, and his Merry men. In southern California, with rolled up sleeves, and lots of chains. The A-team, rob from the rich, and give to the poor. Well Maybe not. But they certainly ride about the land, righting wrongs. Occasionally singing sons. They could have been on horseback, and My brother bought the 4th series on DVD
 Recently. I caught the season opener. The plot of the episode, was simple enough. A judge’s daughter is kidnapped by a Mafiosi. Who will hold her life over the head of her father. In exchange for an acquittal Well, with no one else to turn to the judge does the only think, he can. He hires the A-team. (Yes that word HIRE, this was the 80s) What follows is one of the series, motifs. The Judge is met by Hannibal, who has used a window cleaners We see a base jump, Hannibal pursued by the ever resolute colonel Decker, leaps from a sky scraper. `1In one might bound’’ Following its classical credentials. The Judges connection with his blackmailers. Is played by George peppard. (There would have been an aha, moment, for the 8 year old viewer) George is playing a Mafiosi Its an over the top performance Well, the gangsters makes his daily, ``Hello your daughters still alive, don’t convict the Cappo’’ call at the judges house, Where he runs into the Judges new butler. Who, seems to have walked off the set of a 50’s b Movie. Igor, has a remarkable resemblance to Murdoch, and having distracted my Cousin Vinnie for long enough. Allows Sergeant Barcus to get the jump on him Thus the Kidnapper is now kidnapped, Hannibal smith, will with the aid, of make up, and the experience of a distinguished Hollywood career. Hannibal will take the place, of the Brigand. The rest of the A-team, will sit on, the villain. In the meantime, Hannibal has become entangled in the life of a soldier in an organized crime factory. The man he replaced, is seeing the Moll, of his colleague, behind his back. Is also seeing the girl, across the street, Hannibal, does manage to locate the judge’s daughter. Loosens her bounds. ( A smart move- If anything happens to him, she will find it easier to escape) Sadly the judges first born is not the first person to regain their liberty. The Mafioso, the A-team picked up. Seizing his chances, leaps out of the van. Rolling in front of two law enforcement officials of Los angles. Well this is not good 
Donny Brasco catches up with ersatz Donny Brasco. Hannibal Smith is discovered. Our wily hhero manages to sow discord amongst the conspirators. Until the A-team arrive. Where they use a converted RV and some accents to blow there way into where the kidnappers have holed up. After the bullets fly Colonel Decker arrives intent on apprehending the A-team. The shooting carries on. The A-team, have almost saved the damsel in distress, but wait. A helicopter, snatches her from out of the sky !!!!

(The Helicopter looks just like Airwolf) 
 Turns out that Don Corelones brother in Italy. Older brother has it happens, had heard about his siblings botched attempt to kidnap, the judges girl. He decided to take care of things himself. The A-team then travel to Italy, despite BA notorious fear of flight. Not to mention, Gregory pecks faux Italian accent. The snatch the judges daughter back The rest of the episode. Is set on a cruise ship. The A-team cannot return home by airplane . Face poses as the ships doctor, and helps a bevy of bikinis with their needs. In one scene. He is rubbing sun cream on a rotund woman, and tiring of this, goes to see what else there is to do. Until he finds out that it is a man seeking a suppository Hannibal is consigned to pool boy. The only other position. Where he crosses swords with the ships entertainer. A lounge lizard, in the vein of the brat pack. Someone really does not care for Columbus day at universal, The judges daughter relaxes in a bikini. ( Yes I know) The Mafia get on the same ship. Our Heroes come up with the idea of luring them out by holding a costume party. But all ends happily. The violence was a complaint against the show. Looking back the gunplay, is in fact unnecessary somewhat. The show would work, if it was Sir Hannibal’s knights, or the A riders. Fists and swords, It is an action show, and the enemies of the A-team, are there to be overcome. The  are there to be overcome physically. They are there to be physically and mentally defeated. The enemies of the A-team were never just shot down, they were out thought first, Yes its not sensitive. Murdoch is pretending to be Mad. The other stock scene. The Judges daughter, is wandering around in swimwear. The Mafias attempted Hijack of the ship, made me think this was not made so long after the Achille Lauro. Yes it was an 80’s show Remember A-PLAN a thought. Alright your using the guns. But you are thinking. Remember, Hannibal was a Colonel, an Administrator-A colonel is in charge of up 1000 men. Or is the lowest staff commission , BA a Mechanic Murdoch, a Pilot, and Face Supply-espionage. None of them are trained just as GIs. Armies do not win wars, without mechanics, without supply, without logistics, the shooting is just what happens, when your trying ``to git, thar furthest with the mostest''
This is not a stupid show. Its Jejune. Its Jelly. Its great 

 ``I love it when a plan comes together''


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