Colonge 2007

Germany I am back from Germany.

 I was there for a brief holiday. Traveling with my brother. I am pleased to report that I did not smoke. Germany seems to be the one place left in the world. Where its possible to light up, without raising anyone's hackles.
 I remember eating an open salami sandwich in the departure lounge I watched sports-Rugby, Cricket, and  Football. 
I enjoyed the local brew. (Kolsch) I ate salami sandwiches. I went up Koln cathedral. Well almost. I will admit to a panic attack, a few flights from the top. I was so close, then I saw the last piece of the puzzle. The spiral staircase. My nerve went. To get up top, one goes up a spiral staircase.
 Which travelers ascending and descending must share. I have never prayed so devoutly then on that staircase. Children passed by me laughing, teenagers, oblique to the world, beyond their mp3 players and phones. I was in terror.

 In the Ludwig museum- As I left, I saw a video. It was a woman enjoying herself in an art gallery. Other exhibits, involved nudes, and a marital aide. Oh and Americana,- plastics. I travelled on the Rhine, sightseeing ferry and it turned so cold. 
I had to come in doors, and hide. I did not get to see my friends


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