Blotting out the Sun..

Blotting out the sun, is no longer the dream, of evil millionaires

Its not just Skoll we must fear.

``Although nanotechnology can lead to unprecedented progress, it will also allow for the easy construction of weapons of mass destruction. The grey cloud, proposed by Ralph Merkle, is just one example: the idea is to build an enzyme or nanomachine that transforms atmospheric carbon dioxide into graphite. If this nanomachine has the capacity to self-replicate, like bacteria, calculations indicate that in as little as 48 hours earth would be covered by a solid cloud of graphite that would block the sun and destroy civilization. Since, unlike nuclear weapons, nanotechnology is not limited by exotic isotopes but only by knowledge, we can reach an unbearable scenario where a single intelligent person has the power to destroy humankind.''

The Merkle cloud. Its actually the Grey Merkle cloud, was mentioned on a mailing list. I subscribe too. There was a dicussion about using Iron filings to seed the oceans. The filings would create reefs. Creating new breeding grounds for fish.

The Merkle Cloud, was mentioned in the context, of something that was over hyped. Its more plausible then Grey goo. The Grey Goo, has troubled the crowned heads of Europe

Well, soon to be crowned

But what was the Merkle Cloud

Nanites, first came to my attention in an episode of Star Trek the Next Generation. Indeed the Feddies proposed to use nanites against the Borg. In the Best of Both world. I remember when I first saw, the series. STNG, I thought the New enterprise. Its decor, its furnishings. The holodecks. I thought, thats the future. In 50 years people, will look at that series, and they won't think, the set looks cheap. The costumes are wrong. The mini skirts, in start trek the orignal series)

I have caught the occasional episode of Trek, since then. I notice that the first series, of Star Trek the Next Generation. Looks Hokey. I mean, they don't have picture phones.

The dreams of the future, have become mundane, and so it seems are the nightmares. Would that our future, have only giant Wolves, and black hearted Billionaires to fear.


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