I spotted this out of the corner, of my eye. In the DVD store, and I thought why not. The Sci Fi channel are doing a remake so why not...

In another world, was there the flash Gordon trilogy ? I was thinking, I have never seen any Flash Gordon merchandise, and I have seen , indeed used to own and have lost a Mr Spock action figure. I have seen some Black hole merchandise. Yet No flash Gordon. At a first glance, this is a little strange. It has a sound track by Queen. Max von sdnow plays the emperor ming. A host of british stalwarts play supporting roles.

It did make some impact. Brian Blessed, still dines out on ``Gordon’s alive?’’

Flash starts off on his Journey, heading to the airport from the resort of Dark Harbour. Dark Harbour is somewhere in the North East, of the United states. There is a Bar Harbour, in Maine! I have been there.
A friend was married there, in 2001

The show gets into the action briskly. The plane Flash, and Dale are travelling into
Is it just be, but watching Flash heave and haw, attempting to ask Dale out. Is a bit unbelievable. I am sure Footballers where not that different in the 1980s. Tanya Tucker, has left a long shadow,

The plane crashes, into Topol’s backyard Topol is playing a mad scientisr, or rather sane scientist. Who has the winning entry for the X prize in his Garden.

So Topol, dupes, Flash, and Dale, into going to counter attack mongo

So why didn’t it make millions. Why did Fox triumph, where universal failed. Well, Flash Gordon its as camp as Christmas.. The Male lead, Sam J Jones. Is not great. Though I learn through the powers of the internet that Mr Jones. Starred as Aris Boch in SG-1. He gets upstaged by Blessed’s Birdman in popular memory. Red and Gold, was upstaged on by battle field grey

The Court of Ming, is an Orientalist vision of the Porte. The Dwarfs, dancing girls. There are the many tribes of mongo. Birdmen, forest men,. Squabbling over who gets to present Ming with the Ice Jewel


All kept in order my Mings golden masked secret police chief. With his flying robots. Who check for weapons, After you mention your packing heat.

There is a nod, a dig at Felleni. it’s the name of the dwarf

Flash plays football, with Ming’s Guards. With Dale acting as cheerleader. This leads to one of the great lines of the film. Ming to Parres ``Are your men on the right drugs’’ A quip about steroids., in US sports perhaps?

Dales cheerleading brings her to attention of Ming. Who uses his orgasma-ring. To make Dale dance, about and display her, inner sensuality? It rivals Aura mings beautiful daughter. ( Who I have been subconsciously dating for 15 years)

But alas Flash is defeated. Dale is packed off to Mings bed chamber, Flash is to be executed. Zharkov turned into a slave

When I first saw this. I had a problem with Zharvo’s brainwashing. Something seemed to be missing.
( There is a great quip by the Police chief, seeing Hitler and saying`` now he showed promise. ‘’) The Police chiefs orders that Zharkov be given level 3 is ignored by a sub ordinate. This sort of contradicts the speech about the Human spirit. Zharkovs give.

The Police Chief and the General in Mings service- Evil Lynn and Destro?

Flash has escaped with Aura’s help and has made it to the Forest world.

Peter Duncan of Blue Peter fails the test of manhood.

``I am of age Green Father’’

He is bitten by a scorpion-bug - critter in a hollow tree log. To spare him the pain, James bond. (Timothy Dalton) kills him. This scene struck me as horrifying when I was a kid. Its actually done quite well. Dalton, who was a decent actor. Played it just right.

( Meanwhile the lovely Aura is being tortured - Given the Bore worms)

Richard O’Brian (He of the Crystal maze, and Rocky Horror ) Tries to backstab Flash. Leading to another great line. ``Where are the weapons?’’. ``feel one!’’ Flash however manages to escape to the Moon of the Hawkmen.

Yes despite Ming, despite James bond, and Frank n Furter ``Gordon’s alive’’ However as Dale would warn.
``Flash I love you but you only have 14 hours to save the Earth’’

Ming lands on the Hawk world. He offers Flash the Earth. J Like Jesus Flash refuses the world. To save it.

Escaping from the destruction of the Hawk world. Flash after teaching the Mongolese the value of unity. Flash leads an attack on Mings Palace. Where Ming is getting married to Dale. `` Where all creatures of the earth must make merry’’

With Ming slain, and Dale saved. Mongo is free, and the Earth is saved

Or is it…

Yes it is…..


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