
Showing posts from July, 2007
From Russia with Love It was a choice between, this and Garden state. I figured that Mr Braffs offering would be aired again. I had seen this before, of course years ago. A lazy summer afternoon. My father was a big James Bond fan. In fact, the reason why this film was made. After the success of Dr No. (Which is mentioned in the Film). The late President Kennedy cited from Russia with Love, as one of his 10 ten books of all time. Bond refers to a girl as ``mental'' Which surprises me. Was it polite to call, a Woman ``mental'', in the early 1960s. Bond notices when Donovan orders red wine with his fish supper. Its tips off, Bond that Donovan, is not one of us. Yet he calls the girl mental. Is this an add lib by Connery Colonel Klebb, is a lesbian. Speaking with people from the old East block. The USSR's attitude to LGBT matters was not progressive SMERSH, are aware of how many lovers, the fair Tatiana has known. One plot device in this film. Is that Spectre intend to
I wasn't going to post tonight. I did not think I did done anything, interesting today. July 24th 2007 was not a bad day. A few slip ups, at work in the minus column. Pizza and Family Guy, in the plus column. Then I took a sip of water. I turned to face the TV Oh Albert Speer is talking: Hilters architect. The man who stands beside Hitler, when Hitler stood triumphant in Paris. The mastermind, behind the Reichs Arms production effort. The man who plead guilty at Nuremberg. I could see this man, who is now dead. He who played a hand, in the making of the 20th century. His voice filled my room. Television is a miracle.


Serenity Joss Wheedons Space Western. Wheedon's great strength is dialogue He worked on a Cartoon. Toy Story. As well as a lot of SF. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Alien 3. etc. A genre which uses a lot of visuals. His ear, is what makes the pictures. This is a Western, in Space. The Hero, Macolm Reynolds speaks as if he had just wandered off the plains. He uses a train metaphor at one point. After a while it works. Browncoats. For the Independents. Parliment for the Imperial forces. Reavers are Vampires and River is the slayer. Its a new riff on an auld song. But its worth hearing again. Yes we get it. Everyone in the Future will speak Chinese Inara. Mal's love interest. Is a prostitute. Well its different. Anyone else remember Cassie the socialator from the orginal BSG. Jayne- ha ha the tough guy has a womans name There is a great scene, where Inara and Mal's conversation, is watched by the rest of the crew. Who curse, and whine, when they don't expr
I got my hair cut today

Fear and loathing

Fear and loathing My sister called me today to tell me. That she had a dream, in which I almost died. Whilst undergoing experimental surgery, for money. One of the ladies at work. Claims, I am dangerous.  I do not smile, I never stop working its not natural
17/7/7 I awoke today happy. Why was I happy. Because the Dental pain had subsided. The blocked nose. Which like a Broadway smash, runs and runs. Is, along with the thumping headache is still there. But to sleep again. Is such bliss. I feel terrible. As Dear Valya. Is in such pain. I wish her a speedy recovery.

The Man in the high castle,

Man in the High Castle. Fan Video The Man in the High Castle, by Philip K Dick. Is one of my favorite books. Its the classic AH novel. A book within a book. I read it on the way to Hawaii. I first read of the book. In the encylopedia of Science fiction, in my first year of High school H/t to Chetwoolery
Antony Beevor : The Battle for Spain The War of the World : Niall Ferguson Origins of the British.

Die hard 4.0 Live free and Die harder

Die Hard 4.0 The past is another country. The last Diehard movie. Diehard with a Vengeance. I saw in my Fresher year in Glasgow Uni. I kept on humming the incidental music. They played throughout. Well I am no longer a big man on campus. I work in the third circle of Hades. I have changed, how has John Maclaine? It may have been a little long. I think about 20 minutes could have been cut. On the other hand. I did think Die Hard 3. Was anti climatic. Hello Kevin Smith Cameo. French Goons. C'est la Guerre. Tim Rus. Tuvok from Star Trek Voyager. Shows up as an NSA agent. We see Maclaines Daughter. Wasn't Britney Spears linked to the role. Hell wasn't Die Hard 4. Supposed to be set in the Wilds of Africa. The Video of the Houses of Congress, being destroyed. Was a nice little piece. Nice mirroring of Maclaines and Bowmans reaction. Bowman telling Maclaines Sidekick. To not to talk about a Firesale. An attempt to shut the US by hacking. Was nicely done. 911 has ha
Following the discovery of two carbombs in London. There was an attempted carbombing of Glasgow airport. On Saturday June 30th. Two suspects were arrested by the Police. I attended Glasgow University from 1996-1999
Cats and Corn It seems Cats domesticated Mankind. Sought out our Grain Stores in the Fertile Crescent thus begining a relationship. That has lasted thousands of years. But it was not repeated elsewhere. Whilst wiki says they are harmless. I remember the Farm boys had a distinct dislike, of them. Wildcats are extinct in Ireland. The word cat derives from Old English catt, which belongs to a group of related words in European languages, including Welsh cath, Spanish gato, Basque katu, Byzantine Greek êÜôôá, Old Irish cat, German Katze, and Old Church Slavonic kotka. The ultimate source of all these terms is unknown,[38] although it may be linked to the ancient Nubian kadis and the Berber kadiska.[39] I am the Cat that walks alone...