Charlie Wilson’s War

Charlie Wilson’s War

The opening scenes of prayer on an Afghan mountain, cuts away to a party in Vegas. This is a story of a man, straddling worlds. A sinner, who embarks on a crusade. A Westerner who funds a war, in the East

Dallas, is mentioned, the Series not the city. One of Charlie's associates is trying to get him to invest in a a soap set in Washington. Is this a nod to the West wing.

Its a long episode of the West Wing. I liked that series. Tom Hanks, does a good job as the Yella dog, loveable rogue Charlie. Fond of strippers, and whiskey. Who by accident, turns the tide of war Afganistan

I think one of his aides. The Jailbait, is the actress Shirri Appleby last seen in Roswell.

Gulliani makes an appearance, warning Charlie about the dangers of drugs

Philip Seymour Hoffman steals the show. As the CIA officer, who helps Charlie. He is first seen arguing with the guy who plays the Gabrielle's husband and also the Mayor of Wisteria avenune. Then breaks the window in his Bosses office, taking several tries. (Nice touch that,)

The first meeting between Charlie and the CIA officer, is a masterpiece of farce. Charlie, trying to keep Gust, from learning he is being indicted.

It makes the point that is often lost. That the Soviet invasion of Afganistan was not pleasant. Children were mulitated. This is often lost of people. The USSR, was not kitsch, it was not pleasant. It was however better to deal with one foe, then a multitude.

Here we see the horror of it. We go to what are hollywood versions of refugee camps. No shit, no animals. No blood.

There is a slightly jarring scene, where Julia roberts, announces, Zia did not kill Bhutto. His daughter, was recently murdered.

It has great dialogue, the snappy script you would expect from Sorkin. Good performances by the leads. Its a solid little movie.


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