Its the Sunday before Christmas eve, which is why I am not clean shaven.
I get really self concious about this, on repeated viewing. My sister had returned from Spain. The family gathered at my parents house. I am talking to my father about about a football match at the begining. (Is it significant, I wrote the family, not My family)

I left the night filter on , oops!

When I watch this. I think of my younger brother. I see the mannerisms, I associate with him. The slight, head nod. The rhythmn of voice. Reflected back at me. I don't hear my voice. I hear it, echoing back through my ears, and I don't see my body langague at all. My father has you will note, has a quite different accent. To mine.

Its odd to see yourself relfected in someone else


Nessa said…
I haven't ever heard you speak more than a few words. I love your accent :) your mum's tree is so cute!

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