The Simpsons movie

The Simpsons movie

Oh this is full of spoilers.....

I never got round to seeing this in the summer.

Well what a difference a censors certficate makes

The opening scenes, are of Itchy and Scratchy on the moon.

Its amazing how conservative, the simpsons really is. For Homer, to remember JFK. We see that in several episodes.
The opening gambit with Itchy and Scratchy on the moon, uses camelot tropes. Which is why I am mentioning it
Would make homer 50 years old. Homer works in a nuclear power plant. Homwer supports two cars, three children and a wife
on a single pay check. Its almost as if the 60's never ended.

There is a sign say Itchy-Hilary in 2008. Oh, and Itchy uses Nuclear missles, to kill Scratchy. Better living through Nuclear power.

Hell Homer goes off and lives in Alaska Its a subplot of the movie. Alaska, new frontier. Yada yada Bart has started to see Flanders as a surrogate, Lisa meets a nice Oirish boy

Bart promises not illegally download this movie, we then have an extended opening credits. Mr Burns, having toothpaste
squeezed on his toothbrush by Smithers. Apu changing the date on Milk, from 2006-2008

Well, after the Prelude. The story returns, to Green day, the main celebrity guest's of the piece. Enraging the people of
springfield, and being drowned, in a skit which nods to Titanic. The band plays on,,,

A dare contest, is held between Bart and Homer, with Bart calling Homer, a Nervous Pervus. Bart is challenged to skate into
town, as far as crusty burger, and back naked.

We see Nelson Mom, after Nelson has exhausted himself gloating, at Bart's comeuppance

Comic book guy records Granpa's antics on his phone. Oh notice none of the kids, have mobiles. Another difference between Springfield and our world

There is a jab at Intelligent design. Flanders, thanks the lord, for the mutant chipmunk. Though why pig shit, and water would cause a chipmunk to mutate
I would leave with you

Springfield, borders the states of Ohio Nevada, Maine and Kentucky

Scharzenager, is president. So I presume, they have reformed the consitution. Note this is a link, to Demolition Man, where Arnold was also referred to as an ex President.

Homer dumps pig shit, in the lake. Now farm effulent is a probably but pig shit, is pretty much organic. It will rot away, and animals will feed on it
I am not suggesting dumping untreated sewage. Its not that bad.

The EPA are flying Ospreys, which have a dubious reputation for safety.

Some of the laugh at loud moments for me:

Your a woman, you can hold it in forever. Marge confides to Lisa

More then two shakes and your playing with yourself

Lenny saying Black is the worst colour! After the Mayor have declared a code black emergency

Moe proclaims himself the ``Emperor of Springield.'' I was reminded of the ``Duke of New York''

Call Jesus mr Christ, Ned is giving his sons, advice. His rebuking of Todd or Rodds, question of ``Will Budda be there?'' is great!

I liked it, I liked it alot, a Solid hour and a half of entertainment.


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