Goodbye Sydney ! Alias final episode

As some of you may know. This time last year I bought an exercise bike. It was part of my effort to quit smoking. I doubt there are few things more boring then exercise. So to keep my mind sane, while I exercise. I have started to watch DVD's last month, I worked through, the third season of Lost, as well as the the 5th season of Alias.

I had bought it a while back. I had never been able to find the time to watch the series. I had first become aware of the series a few  years ago. Alias was on Sky a double bill with Dark Angel. 
I didn't follow it at first. One day I taped an episode. ``The Box'' which featured Quentin T as a guest star. From then on I was hooked.

Goodbye Sydney

( In the background there you can see Bradley Cooper) 

Jennifer Garner is beautiful. Oh and she is from West Virginia- This is referenced in her character's code name Mountaineer
I am in Love with Sydney. She is so smart. I wish I could speak languages like her. 
``Little Ears'' was the nickname, Regina gave to Jennifer Garner.  Regina `` allowed '' me to watch Alias, as the lead character is half Russian. Sydney's mother was a KGB agent.

The story begins, with Sydney working for SD6. She is working for she believes is an off the books, branch of the CIA. However its not. SD6, is a rogue organization. These things actually happened in the Cold war.

Sydney also wanted to be a teacher. This reflects the shows origins. It was envisioned by the creator of Felicity- JJ Abrams  ( Now know for so much more) as the summer Felicity, works as a spy.
 I guess its a reaction to Buffy. Sydney spent her early days dodging bullets, and writing papers. (She was a graduate student )

As a piece of history. I began to write an essay on gender roles in Alias, sometime in 2006. I lost interest. I picked up here again

Who's your Daddy! Sydney?''

An exploration of the theme of Patrimony in the TV series of Alias.

It is said that the basis of all literature. Is the relationship between the central character and their father. The TV series Alias. The story of a female spy, and her struggles to do her job, study and have a life.

The title of the TV show reflects this the title of the show Alias, means another name. Other then name we are given by our family. Normally our Father's name in Western culture.

Our Heroines name is even ambiguous. Sydney is normally considered a male name.  Sydney  believes her mother is dead- She is her father's ``son'' Like the children of the Sabine women- She cannot speak her mothers name

After Sydney's disappearance. In series 2, and her recovery in series 3. There have been some changes in the background. Marshal is married, and his wife is expecting a son. Sydney's ex SD6 partner Dixon is now head of Sydney group at the CIA. He has taken leadership of ``the family.'' He is the only member of the

Its also interesting to note that Dixon is a widow. Again a father, robbed of his wife.

In a related vein. In one episode, Dixon contemplates suicide, After the death of his wife. What changes his mind is hearing the voice of a child crying, which reminds him of his children. Of his duty.

We see the ideal of fatherhood, its redemptive qualities  as a theme throughout the series.

To take a few examples from a current episode.

Sydney's father invites her out to a meal, at the end of the episode.
Note the role of the father, the male as the provider. The one who brings home the bacon. Contrast this with Sloane's attempt to have a date with the CIA doctor. To provide her with`` food.'' This fails.
 Sloane makes a comment on Sydney's parentage 

Sydney and Vaughn's wife, change their hair on a mission. Sydney's is cut in shorter bob. Short hair= respectable, but Lauren has her hair coloured. Note scarlet- A scarlet woman  They both change

Marshal as a new Father, proudly displays his sons picture.
Marshal makes reference to Marshal and his son working together. Father being followed by son into the trade. A lot of surnames come from this. Tailor, smith etc.

Lauren innates sex, with Sark after their mission. To implant a virus. Sark flirting with Lauren refers to her as a dominatrix. Lauren takes the masculine role during sex, rather the female passive one.

Jack is engaged in a search for truth in the episode.  Compare this with the women, who are engaged in deception.

Is it significant that Lauren says she's going to DC, whilst sneaking off to do the covenants work. DC The US Capital. The Home, the heart of the USA.

We see Sydney challenge Lauren, on her accusations of philandering with her Husband. Syndey rebuts her. Now this is not really strictly necessary. If Sydney hasn't been sleeping with Vaugh, and she hasn't. There is no need to respond to Lauren. So why does she? Is it to protect her reputation?

Vaughn fathers watch. Vaughn is missing a father. He father was killed by Irina. Vaughn Sydney knows the story. Sydney is the keeper of Vaughan's family memory. This is normally the mothers role.

Vaughn comment that he  is getting old, time to start a family? Why has Lauren not provided him with an heir?

But all good things, must come to an end. Sydney the pretty girl, who used to warm my Monday nights. I used to watch the show, with hot soup. It was shown very late here. I never met anyone else in the UK, who watched the show. I don't care. Its nice to have something that is  just yours sometimes. Sometimes it is good to have your secrets. 
No matter how terrible the Monday. Sydney brightened the Tuesday. 
Thank you, for saving me


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