
Showing posts from April, 2008
Astin Min, I hope your headache gets better. I love you Miss Misery, good luck, in whatever you do. Sahara, Trust involves taking a risk. Try not to dwell on things. Thats the way to saddness and madness. Granniog, Take care. Good luck with work. Valya, First deal with the tensions in the relationship. You can get the players back into the room, later if you need to. Sol, Happy aniversary Everyone else, good night!

Ten things

  I had a poster of planet of the Apes on my wall in College I am one of the few people to have seen, the play. Cell mates. I have stayed overnight in one of the most expensive hotels in Canada I once took, a folklore class. I only ever attended the first lesson I have been fired three times I was propositioned by a street walker, on my second day at work I have been thrown off a flight, for intoxication I once won a kite. I used to cheat at Bingo games in school. For six weeks, I was pretty much the only person, attending my churches youth group. Long story, and no touching involved.

High School Score Card

``The past is a foreign country, they do things differently there''  One or two of you. May have seen those words before. It was how I begun my university entrance essay. It took ages, and much back and forth. I have been cleaning out my closets, of late. I threw away five pairs of Jeans, I had worn the crotch out of, for example. Old mobile phone parts. I seem to picked up a batch of faulty dvds. Anyway, whilst in the middle of my spring cleaning. I came across some of my old school reports. I thought I would publish some of the highlights here.  This was from my final report My academic reports were often good. I took Religious studies. They said ``Malchera's Ideas are bold and exciting'' In Ancient History they praised my ``Independent views'' ``Malchera is a very able boy'' I remember being annoyed at this. As I was about to go off to University or at least apply for jobs. I thought this made me sound childish. Which in fairness I may hav
Happy Orthodox Easter. ( I wish my friend Irisha, and her mother. A peaceful and restful Easter, in particular)
Heroes season two, has commenced. I am thirty years old. I am entitled to write the letters M.A after my name. I buy books, on physics.  I took university classes in philosophy. Despite all this I  found myself, saying no, honey don't, sweetie don't. When Claire Bennett cuts off her own toe Heroes. Hey its Sark, from Alias.(David Anders) Hooray! That was a nice touch, a Gajin, playing a legendary Japanese hero. Imagine Richard Rowntree playing Robin Hood Problem is it takes Hiro, away from the action. Now giving each of our leads, an episode to themselves may have worked. The writers strike has not helped the series Our attention is draw to the docks of Cork. A gang of variously accented ruffians is attempting to rob a container. After stunning the security guard with a jerry bar One of the gang, is Dominic Keating. Formerly of the Starship Enterprise. Lately of Beowulf. The accents are terrible. Its an Anglo-Corkonian endeavour , to rip off some I-pods. There i

The rumours must stop

The rumours are untrue. The only woman in my Life, is Icelandic.
I have been laughing at this story all week. I think my regular readers, can do with a laugh so here goes (from Anorak news) ``SAYS bird sanctuary owner Geoff Grewcock: “I knew that Barney could swear but what has happened is shocking.” Barney is a seven-year-old blue and gold macaw. He has, as Mr Grewcock maintains, picked up his lexicon from his previous owners. Says the Mail: “He’s been teaching the other two when we had our backs turned… He has duly passed it on to African Greys Sam and Charlie, both five years old, with whom he shares a cage in Mr Grewcock’s living room. Their favourite words are f*** off, b******* and t***.” The story then takes on a predictable twist as Barney tells the local mayoress to f*** off” and addresses two police officers and a vicar with the legend: “You can f*** off too, w******!” As ever, it turns out that parrots may be the last voice of rebellion in a country where if, says, Mr Grewcock were to call the local knobs names he would be plucked and stu

For my Starbuck

I took this picture on tuesday, or monday. Possibly even last week.  I had in fact forgotten about it.  The reason, why I took this picture. Is because the writing, the title of the book. Is in Icelandic. I work in a library, and there are books from all over the world. The reason, I take pictures of Icelandic books, is the woman I love is Icelandic. I think of her all day. It gives me strength. Today has been a hard day, for my pretty Icetetka. I want her to know, I was thinking of her, yesterday, I am thinking of her, today, I am thinking of her tomorrow

Best wishes Granniog

Bon chance, take care,
Ten years ago Ten years ago I was living in North Carolina. Strictly speaking I was attending classes, at UNC. However, I was terribly lazy. I was arising at 2, or 3 pm. I was not going to class. I was living in Craige dorm. Which was home to about 500 people. I lived on the First floor. I had managed to get a room, to myself. I had a big poster of Xena on the wall. I rented a fridge, for 10 bucks a month. I also had a NASCAR phone. My mother was watching Jerry springer. It was just begining to be shown on the other side of the great waters. My mother was nagging me about my weight. I watched Xena of course. Fraiser and the Simpsons. There was a well stocked Video library in the Dorm. My Princess, was having a party. My soccer team lost 2-2. I missed a Pig Picking. The barbeque of an entire pig. The chance to socialise. I picked up ice cream for a young lady. Not my GF. Purely platonic gesture I was drinking sprite. Oh gosh, I used to drink it all the time. I mean six packs full of the
Congratulations to my friend Dorthe. Who goty married married. To her lovely Daughter who got christened today. Congratulations to Mother and Dother

Happy Dexter/Keanu day

From Wikipedia Dexter/Keanu day is a holiday celebrated in Iceland.  It Celebrates the  celebrity of Keanu Reeves. Star of such films as the Matrix, A walk in the clouds Devils advocate. Along with the Celebrity of Keanu Reeves. The fictional character of Dexter Morgan. Portrayed on TV by Michael C Hall, is remembered. The skill of Michael Hall's performance. The plots twists and turns. The Miami backdrop, and the writing of Jeff Lindsay are all celebrated by Icelanders, no matter wether they are on the day A Queen of Dexter/Keanu day is appointed. She is normally a young attractive mother. Who holds a qualification in education. The Queen of Dexter/Keanu day, has many duties. She must accept a lot of compliments. Gifts of flowers, and many kisses. HAPPY DEXTER KEANU DAY

Son of Rambow

Son of Rambow... There was a time when Corona bottles filled the shelves of supermarkets. When French exchange students meant glamour, You could smoke in the cinema. Where being able to draw well, was a major skill. This is a period piece. There are TV's mounted on two legs. There is a map of a divided Germany on the wall. It is  the glorious long summers of our school holidays Yet the modern world we know is just around the corner . We see a nurse smoking outside the care home.  Lee Carter, one of the characters dreams, of exhibiting his work on Screentest. Surely the grand daddy of Youtube. Yet Will Proudfoot, the lead. Is hidden from this world. A member of the Plymouth brethren.  He is forbidden, from watching Television.  Whilst his geography classmates watching and learning about Ox bow lakes. He spends his days sitting in the corridor. This is when he comes into contact with Lee Carter. Lee Carter is  a scab. These days, he would be called, perhaps a Spide, or a Chav.

Icelandic books

Books, Books, Books   These are Icelandic books from my work place. Speaking of Books, on my way to work. There is a poster for a new papaerback, of some chick lit, magnum opus. Some critic has added a speech bubble, to the poster. The long haired heroine, now announces. ``This book is crap''  Different strokes for different folks I guess.  ( PS I discovered yesterday, that I was wondering around with the seat of my trousers worn out.)

Doctor Who, The fires of Pompeii

Dr Who the fires of Pompeii (Spoilers) (Be careful of the spoilers) I have followed Dr Who for several years. I am old enough to remember when Peter Davison was the Doctor. Dr Who, heralds the start of my weekend. I run home to catch it on the TV. The BBC's set from Rome. Get's another airing. The Doctor mentions having something to do, with the Neronian great fire of Rome. I remember reading the Target Novelisation from the Public Library. I can still remember the bad poetry, the writers attirbuted to Nero. Peter Capaldi last seen as a bullying Scot, in the Thick of it. Here plays a  genial marble merchant. A social climber, and a proud father. Pompeii, was to the Roman's something like Ibiza and Vegas are to us Moderns. A party town. Indeed, the first statue recovered from the ruins of Pompeii, was of a man, commiting an act that would cause the summoning of Veternarians and Policemen. If one was to recreate the pose today. Its a rather more sedate version of
Good luck to my Astin min She is buying furniture today. There are also things on her mind. I blow kisses across the cold sea, to warm her heart


Break a leg, to my friends in Iceland. Who is at concert today

Charlton Heston (4 /10/1924 -6-/4/2008)

(4 /10/1924 -6-/4/2008) Colonel George Taylor, Rodrigo known as the Cid. Colonel Robert Neville Joshua Ben Hur Moses. Actor, WW2 Veteran

Round up April 5th 2008

Rounding up Congratulations to Esha. Who will be staying at the Ritz when she travels to Moscow Torchwood ended this week. James Marsters returned to top and tail the season. At work, they gave us cookies and juice, as a reward. We found out later that what had happened, was the powers that be. Had handed out the princely sum of 10 notes. To our department, which has about 30 people. The weather has improved, for the moment. Last night I could leave my window open. My Astin min, is pretty