Doctor Who, The fires of Pompeii

Dr Who the fires of Pompeii


(Be careful of the spoilers)

I have followed Dr Who for several years. I am old enough to remember when Peter Davison was the Doctor. Dr Who, heralds the start of my weekend. I run home to catch it on the TV.

The BBC's set from Rome. Get's another airing. The Doctor mentions having something to do, with the Neronian great fire of Rome. I remember reading the Target Novelisation from the Public Library. I can still remember the bad poetry, the writers attirbuted to Nero.

Peter Capaldi last seen as a bullying Scot, in the Thick of it. Here plays a  genial marble merchant. A social climber, and a proud father.

Pompeii, was to the Roman's something like Ibiza and Vegas are to us Moderns. A party town. Indeed, the first statue recovered from the ruins of Pompeii, was of a man, commiting an act that would cause the summoning of Veternarians and Policemen. If one was to recreate the pose today.
Its a rather more sedate version of Pompeii that is presented to us.
( Malchera-2012, yes because thats what you show at Tea time on Saturdays)

I suspect there is one historical truth. The Pompeiian Sybil's are seduced with promises of Pompeii's rise and Romes fall. I wonder how content Italy, and indeed beyond Italy, Alexandria and Marseilles was, under the Pax Romana. Once you have tasted power, and influence.

As the Doctor travels in time and space. There must be an explanation of how, him and his companions can converse with the locals. The new series, states that the TARDIS telepathically translates the local lingo, in ones mother tongue. This was used as a plot device in the Chistmas invasion, when the Doctors grogginess after his regeneration prevented the Alien argot being understood

Anyway, Donna wonders what happens when she speaks Latin. In this case the phrase.`` Vendi, Vidi Vici'' Rather then speaking Latin, via the Tardis translation telepathy.
The Romans hearing this believe that Donna and the Doctor are Celts. This may be a joke, but has some truth. Latin learned in the British isles. May have been historically influenced by Celtic.

( There is a gag about Donna being from Barcelona, this may be a faulty towers reference Peter Capaldi mentions the Dr and Donna are Celtic, as an explantion of their behavior to the Augur)

The scene in which the Augur, and Evelina see through the Doctor's image.
Is one I could watch time and time again. `` Man of Galifrey'' ``Lord of time''
I have already googled Medusa Cascade.

Metella seems to be based loosely, or perhaps tightly on HBO Rome's Atia of the Julii
Another redheaded Matrona

The episode for me climaxes not in the erruption of the volcano, but of Donna. Donna realising the Volcano will errupt. Tries to save Pompeii, tries to save the Pompeiians. Telling them to run for the hills, rather then the sea. The Doctor realising his hand in the death of so many. Wishes to leave. Wishes to run. The Doctor cannot save everyone. Yet can he not save someone...

I was pleased by the episode. Ancient Rome, and Dr Who. A perfect partnership!
I had finished a long and busy week, and I could now relax


Anonymous said…
I just noticed this, I will add it, to my reviews

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