Iron man

When I first saw the trailer for Iron man. I was bemused. I thought Robert Downey Junior? Why, how did he get the nod. Robert Downey junior. The Drug addict. The star of Ally Mcbeal. Who was good in the early 1990's but since then....

Turns out I was wrong. This was a well made, well performed film. Downey junior to use a soccer metaphor, holds the ball up well. A lot of the film, is Robert Downey Jnr, working on the suit of  mechanical Armour, whilst chatting to a computerised robotic arm. He keeps our interest. The man has presence.

I am familiar with Ironman, from the Avengers series Ironman Comics, have Ironman as more as a flawed, hero. I was not aware of this. Downey's Ironman, is the crown/clown? Prince of a military industrial complex. He dates supermodels, he appears on the front cover of Wired. The world is at his feet.

We first see, Stark. (Downey Junior) In Afghanistan, he is drinking whiskey, and flirting with an Airman (Female) The Airmen, are asking for his photograph, and he is drinking. In probably the most dangerous place on Earth.

Stark, insists an Airman puts there picture on his Myspace page.

Reality intervenes brutality

The baddies, are a mixture of RAV. Russians Arabs Vilians they speak Hungrarian, and Mongolian and Russian as well Farsi and Arabic.


Ms Paltrow, makes a delicious strawberry blonde. I yield to no one in my appreciation of a pretty red head. Her and Downey jnr, have some real chemistry. She is devoted to her boss.


Paul Bettany plays the voice of Jarvis. Who If I remember correctly, was an eyepatched, British butler. Is now computer generated. For a while, I thought it was Pierce Brosnan, reprising his Ultrahouse 3000 voice.

The film strength is it's realism. Stark, first enemies, are not supermen, but a terrorist group. I actually felt Stark was in physical danger a few times.


Oh yes, the S.H.E.I.L.D acronym was well done. Oh and I saw the last 5 minutes.

Its a pretty solid film I was impressed


Sahara said…
I liked Robert D J. He was cute on Ally, although he broke her heart. :/

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