
 I have spoken about some of the things. That annoy me. I have spoken about my fears. I have spoken, about my congenial condition (Actually I typed this) (about my… Looking back, I would have written Dyspraxia) Well that was kind of downer. There have been two anniversaries of late. The 50th anniversary of the invention of the microchip, in Texas. As well as the the 10 birthday of Google. ( I am happy with this part, I think it is a good set up. From here, I lose direction. I don’t think I mesh the two themes well. My friends, and computing. I should have spoken about the computers I have bought. How much they cost. Where I bought them, and related this to my friends. I.e. the first time, I bought a webcam. I was really nervous) Why do I mention this. Is because the Internet set me free. I envy the young who now grow up with it. It is my window on the world. It is occasionally a source of weakness. Your strengths always are. ( I am not sure I explain, why it is a strength -I go on in the next sentence to say access my strength) However this piece of wonderful technology. Allowed me to access my strengths. It gave me voice. Because of this tool. I have done wonderful things, and met wonderful people. I shall explore this here. ( On second viewing, why do I need to write explore here. Its a bit clunky yes) Thanks to the Internet I have friends, from all the over the world. This is going to read in California. As well as Paris.... ( I should have said more places. I was actually somewhat apprehensive about writing out a list of places, afraid of leaving people out) . In unexpected places. I would like to think, I am giving solace to lonely nursing students in Stockholm. I have an ex in Paris. If they make a film, of my life. They would have to hire a French actress. They would have to put the Eiffel tower in the background. To establish location. (I have not been there in 20 years-but Hollywood takes liberties. ) My friend Nessa, would have to be played by Scarlet Johansson. I always associate the too. ( I would if rewriting this. Have explained why. Whenever I watch Scarlett in anything. I think of my friend Nessa. I think there is a similar bone structure. I also think its because when I first met Nessa. We talked about Ghost world, and that film with Scalett, and Bill Murray) They might send her to Paris. Again, that would not be historically accurate. However I think the audiences would go for it. (However is an ugly conjuction, I use it too often ) Anyway, my Friend Nessa, and Granniog, rock. I met both, online. They have had a very positive impact on my life. I want to give Nessa Kudos, because she is going through a bit of rough patch now. ( I am happy with this bit) I think it was really cool, I had an Icelandic Girlfriend too. (I was happy with the line) Then there is my friend Valya. She is the best! She is really smart. I mean really smart. She writes accountancy papers. She is tough too. If the Robots try and take over. Don't bother giving John Conor the time of day. Valya will punch out the largest terminator, and go off and drink 7up. (If anyone deserves an exclamation mark, its Valya. I had more about Valya. You see why the Mongols, quit. Why the Grande Army broke, and the Nazis run. I also did not mention, she has had her hair cut, and looks beautiful) Although I have my problems. I have my pain, and my phobias. There are many things that have brought me joy. This marvel. Allowed me to see Angels, and friends. To gain comfort and strength. (The marvel, is actually the internet. ) In the Odyssey telemachus, is besieged by the suitors. He sits alone in his house, waiting for his father. Athena takes the form, of a friendly chief who comes looking for poison for his arrows. I have many Goddesses to advise me. I am luckier, then heaven famed Odysseus I am Goddess Guided Malchera. My fame has reached Paris, and they speak of me, among the Russians (The last two lines should have been reversed. (Its odd to speak of Telemachus, when mentioning the Odyssey. I would have if I was going to rewrite this. Have drawn the comparison between my friends and Goddess. One of the Muses for Charlotte. There is a Hot mama, avatar of Venus Genetyllis. Valya would be a Slavic warrior Goddess. I was stumped for Nessa, then I came up with Cybeline) Its always easier to break things down, rather then build them up. I wanted to show, some of the thoughts I had, when I write here.


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