The Falcon cannot hear the Falconer.

Last year, I went to Washington DC. I go on holiday for my birthday. Anyway, I was worried about exchange rates, because of Banking problems, in the UK. So, I changed my money early. Simply to be done with it.

Its good, to know, that things have progressed since then.

Like many of you. I have been reading the papers. Reading several papers, and listening and watching the news. Looking on, while the Governments of the world. Spend billions and then billions, for little or no result

Iceland is borrowing Money from the Russians. The Asian markets are freefalling.

In this I am helpless. I look forward to my holidays, more then anything. They are that, which keeps my head up. What I look forward to, the chance, to learn things, and to be different. To be free, for a little while.

Yet now, I worry. Will the plane company go bust, will the hotel reject my credit card. Will Taxes rise. Will I even have a job tomorrow.

Its only a hill of beans, but it's my hill of beans.


This should never have been let happen. The Governments of the world, refused to cool down the property markets. Screwing the young, with debt. Is a really dumb move. Economics, is a social science. All social sciences, are  to demographics, in the way, the physical ones, are to mathematics.


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