The Kindness of Strangers.

On the 16th of November. I went to see an NFL game, for the very first time. It was not the first American football game I have been to. I remember attending a handful of UNC-games.

I watched NFL games, on and off through out my life. I actually convinced my parents into letting me stay up late a few times, to watch the Superbowl. I can only have been 8 at the most.

NFL, enjoyed an upsurge in popularity across the Atlantic. At around 1986, during the dark days, of the post Heysel ban, on British clubs. The long night of Celtic AFC. When the spectre of hooliganism, was rife. I then went to UNC, I saw the Bronco's win the Superbowl.

Yay Stuber!

I watched the Panthers get to the Superbowl, in 2003. Where sadly they lost. I spent the day scouring for the name of a cheerleader. Who set our hearts. Sorry I should not lie, loins afire in the summer of 97

So being so close to the stadium. I was determined to see an NFL game. I purchased a 50 dollar ticket. I got up early. I had the hotel breakfast.

I then had nothing else to do. I walked to the stadium, which was just across the street. People were already arriving. Though there were hours to kick off. People were already tailgating. Sitting, hanging out by an open car. Enjoying barbeques and beverages.

I passed Scalpers, and schoolchildren selling peanuts. I walked up and about the stadium



I passed the corporate area. Which had cheerleaders. Sadly wearing tracksuits. I listened to a band, who had been hired to entertain the crowds. I saw children getting their faces painted. (My mother loathes this) I listened to my MP3 player.

I killed time, until an hour before the game. I did think of going to my hotel, which had a tailgating party at 12pm. I was worried about being late for the game. (I get terribly neurotic, about time keeping)

So at 12pm. I took my seat. I was scanned with a metal detector on entrance. I was given a bojangles gift card. I made my way up to my seat. Which involved quite a walk, up a ramp. I was on the stadiums upper level. The Ericisson stadium, is quite bare, breezeblocks.

I found my seat, after being shown to the correct one, by stewards rurr panthers game

(Don't my eyebrows look big)

I waited for the clock to run down. I saw one incident. A Detroit fan, came in with a paper bag cut over his head.

Like that. Just with Detroit, written on top of it. The Detroit lions are the worst ranked team in the NFL. Anyway this guy, is wearing the paper bag over his heads, and sitting with his wife/gf. I'd imagine trying to get on TV.

The stewards frown at this. They call someone on the radio. A guy from the sherrif's office appears. Tells the Paper bagged guy, to take off his mask. They don't like it, as it could prevent him from being identified, if there were any incidents.

I had a pretty good view of the field.panthers field

As the game came closer. The stadium filled.

I met some very nice people.

I was sitting, amongst season ticket holders . They all knew each other. They greeted me. To my left, were Olaf, and Tanya. Tanya worked in HR. Her husband was a German who had been naturalised. He was from close to the black forest to my right another couple. Whoose names I cannot remember. I recall, her surname, was Mcgellian, or some what. I remember she had three cats. One was called Chelsea. Her husband came from Canada.  I also met  Jill, and her husband. A nice man, who gave me a can of Miller.

As I watched the game. These people befriended me. They asked me, who I was. How I was doing.  Mrs Mcg, bought me a beer. Tanya, and Olaf, invited me to tailgate with them. They were kind, and friendly to a stranger. I felt very welcome. I really enjoyed the day. So to all my new friends at the Ericisson stadium. Thank you

Go Cats!


Nessa said…
How awesome! Sometimes people surprise me. Glad they were nice to you :)

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