The most secret things in the world

With the great affairs of the wider world settled. I can now return to my inner world.

When I was younger. I used to draw for hours. As a source of amusement. I made whole worlds. Whole universes in fact.

Sayshellian union

I not only drew, pictures. I also wrote reports about them. Listing, and cataloguing recording.


I developed a universe. The Federation. Yes I would not like, a lawsuit from Paramount. However I also ripped out the Foundation universe, of Issac Asimov

Sayshel Frigate


This is a good example. Its a Frigate. Using both Foundation, and Trek tropes. The design for the ship is very bad by the way. Its has an undefended bottom. So a ship could simply fly underneath it, and blast away. Space is a three dimensional medium. I actually missed out on the lessons of Star trek 2

The Federation-Foundation Universe



However once, I got past technology and names. I did get some interesting ideas. My federation, was having a civil war. The rebels lead by a charismatic general, from a political family. Think of one of the Kennedy's or Bushes, with the skills of Alexander.

Anyway Yaine Uriria. The scion of the Uriria family. Look at the name. Leads a rebellion,based in part over a mineral that was necessary for faster then light transport. Advances promised to reduce the dependence of the federation on this mineral.

Beyond that the Colonies were restless. Law enforcement was out of control. There were wars and rumours of wars, with powerful Alien neighbours. The Insectioid cybernetic Zacheian empire. The Breaze. A primitive people who had been uplifted rapidly. Other human powers the Sayshelian's who in my universe. Were the descendents of the USA. Little Erteria. The lost colonies. Where diabolical experiments were rumoured to have taken place.

portcullis drone

Earth was united, safe and free though.

A whole universe. With its dangers and delights. No one knew of it, but me. I never let anyone see the pictures, I drew. Or spoke of them. I saved them, when I cleared out my room before I left for college. Now, they here, for the world to see.


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