Hello to Berlin

Last night was terrible. I think I got maybe an hour and a half's sleep. Some of that may have been a nightmare. There was a storm. Which due to the fact I sleep in an attic means I can hear the rain hitting the roof all night. Also keeps me up for some hormonal-chemical reason. When the storm comes I want to go outside.

I am serious. When the storm comes, I want to go out in it.

Aside from that. I have picked up another neurosis. That of missing my flight.

I fell asleep, around 6.15 am. I intended to get up at 7am.

Yeah, not good.

I had packed my pc, away otherwise I would have posted on it. Valya, was at a party. Otherwise I would have called her, and chatted to wind myself down.

Well. I got on the plane anyway. In fact I managed to score some free beers. By moving to let an ill person, get the seat nearest the Bathroom.

I almost made it to my hotel, without using a taxi. I managed to save 15 Euro or so.

Berlin is fine. Its just I am tired mentally. I saw the Christmas markets at the Sony center. I may have lost my tar heels beanie which is a blow. I bought another one. Possibly a girls hat. However the lady at the store was nice. I could have got a handmade one for 40 euros.  40 Euros. I would rather have a cold

I had a steak, on Marlene Dietrich platz.

That should be Colonel Marlene Deitrich. We remember her service.

My apologies to Christopher Isherwood, and a good night to you all


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