Crescit eundo

As I mentioned on here, the other date. Five years ago, I made a choice, that was going to change the direction of my life.

I joined an Internet dating site.

I am not sure, if they actually do, ``dating'' anymore. However they used to do IQ tests. I did an IQ test, and I saw, the links.

I paid for it, with my credit card. To great trepidation.

I started browsing

I should add, some context here. Between, College, and my time, in Hades. I was at a low ebb. 

I was about 20 kilos overweight. I had no friends. For a year after college, I did not have a proper job. Glasgow, was far away, and North Carolina, even further. My social life, was confined to pub visits with my brother.

Then I got my current job. I actually had an income. My brother and I went to New York. We went to Hawaii

``We got sunlight on the sand We got moonlight on the sea We got mangos and bananas You can pick right off the tree We got volleyball and ping-pong And a lot of dandy games What ain't we got?''

( I like show tunes, quoted from South Pacific)

So, I started to browse tickle. The first person, I got a response from was a Croatian girl. Who I never heard from again

I chatted with a few girls from Lithuania. As I remember.  I entered my details, into the automatic match finder. I met Nessa. My friend, had joined to check a friends, profile. The system, said we were 100 percent compatible. Of course, it was right. We are friends up to this day. I also met my friend Dorthe, and Ines, there. As well as the blogger Sahara.

I also saw, the most beautiful woman, in the world's photograph. I remember thinking, that it didn't matter if she rejected me. She would for a second have to consider me.

I remember when I received the reply. Multi coloured obviously she had worked and thought about it.

 I was too dumb, to realise the significance of this at the time

However a great adventure began.

I will tell the whole truth. I answered one persons, mailings. As I thought they were a friend of Nessa's and I wanted to be polite. My first impression of them, was they were not good enough for me.

It was a mailing from one of the kindest and most beautiful people I have met. Who treated me, better then I always deserved.

Yes, I was chatting with more then one girl. You can draw your own conclusions.

Whilst trying to chat to someone from Tickle.  I got an ICQ address.

Which lead me, in new directions....

Well then the rest, is history. My history. Famous and infamous. With great deeds, beautiful women, foolish words, anger, and despair. Strange to think, from this act. My world was made


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