Why I don’t like going out


My brother turned 30 today. I went out to the pub with him. My sisters and My cousin.  I was bored and pissed off, for the first hour and a half I was there.

The pub was crowded. There was a talent contest there. So I had to listen to people singing badly, for half an hour. The pub was full of kids, at one point. 18 year olds or so. They were harmless it must be admitted. However for a good while. I could not hear myself think.

I was wondering is this fool, going to kick off. The toilets were full. I was pissed off. Its everything I loathe. Why would I want to wait 10 minutes before I get served. Or have to queue for a bathroom.

I just don’t get it

I don’t like that picture. I look fat and ugly. Nade, my sister looks nice though.

Then the place quietened down. I relaxed. It wasn’t such a bad night after all. My brother was enjoying himself.

I am wired different.


Malchera said…
My sister made me Pizza. I am just an Asocial son of a bitch sometimes.

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