A recurring dream

Last night. I had a the same dream, I have had for a few years. Or rather a dream on a similar theme.

The dream, is I am back in my Scottish halls of residence. I have returned to school. I have a room there. I have made plans.

Then things, happen. Either I keep forgetting I am in Uni , and never using the room. I am annoyed about the cost, of it. Or the waste.

Or in last nights version. Where I decided to go to the pub. I was invited to a fresher's party. I was going to go, and then I declined. Realising, that I am twice the age of the people in the halls. It would be a bit weird. I then withdraw, to my room. Or go home

It is always my Scottish university. I am never in NC. There is always the sense, that I am squandering something, or as in last nights example. I am doing something that I should not. Not criminal. Just not the done thing.

Often I leave the halls. I can't get back. Or I do get back, and its been some time, since I have been there

I wonder what it means

My friend the Path finder, commented


``It's time to move on from what your holding on to.
What do you hold dear?
What matters to you that you know you can't get back and if you tried YOU would be different.
Was your Scottish university a place of learning...? or was it a launching point for your current life?
Whatever IT is ... it begins there and then YOU decide where to go. Your reasons are your own and your future is up to you.
Schools are meant for learning and self improvement. What do you learn/feel from or change about yourself from these dreams....?’’

Ah moving on. forgetting. I did notice the other day someone said 2005 Five years ago. I know that is true. Yet it felt hard to accept the fact


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