I am still grumpy

I guess its the just the middle of the week. I am doing strong room duty this week. The strong rooms, are where we keep valuable books, in an airtight room. Where they are protected from fire and decay by inergen gas.

I suggested to a barmaid that they use it for preserving wine

I watched, The Unquiet dead.


An episode of Doctor who, that was broadcast in 2005. Which I had not yet got round to watching. Despite the fact that it features Gwen from Torchwood. Playing a maid.

The story is set in 1869. In Cardiff. Where a small undertakers is finding that the dead won’t stay down

They even have the temerity to interrupt the performances of a jaded Charles Dickens ( Simon Callow)

Ms Piper was also charming in period costume.

Episode is a bit strange actually. There is a scene where Rose tries to get a 19th century housemaid interested in sex. Not with her, just generally. Perhaps open to her innate sensuality  Rose talks about looking at Guys and admiring their smiles and  bums to the maid. Making the maid blush. The maid keeps trying to retreat from the conversation. Rose insists. At one point the Maid calls Rose wild.

On the gripping hand Rose is a teenager. This is her first trip abroad. Yet in contrast. Rose complains earlier, when the undertaker, who had drugged her to smuggle away, had let his hand wander. Yes that’s a society you want to be free an easy in.

The other thing is Charles Dickens, was a sceptic. In this episode the Doctor is not the Scientist he was traditionally in the series.As the episode closes he listens to Dickens plans for turning Edward Drood Dickens last story into a ghost story. This was in spite of Dickens speech about striving to be rational and sceptical as ignorance and superstition caused so much suffering. Is moving. Yet basically the Doctors response is open your heart, and see how it feels. Callow’s Dickens  is simply better then writing here. Which is confused

Still the show was young


We were talking about the Peter Falconio murder at work.


I did some research on it. A co worker, had very strong opinions on the matter. Which were found to be baseless. I note this here as my opinionated colleague became a police man. I hope he doesn’t play his hunches.


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