Quantum of Solace

(Continued from my last post- I warn you this will contain spoilers)

After fleeing Vienna Bond travels somewhere in mittleuropa. Where he meets up with Mathis. British intelligence agent in Montenegro from Casino Royale. Bond co opts Mathis and the two travel to South America. Bolivia.

The actress playing Fields. They miss out on giving her the amusing first name in the script. Strawberry. Is beautiful.


Bond bullies her into moving into an upscale hotel.

British intelligence, sent an office girl to put a killer back on the plane. Where were the military attache?

Bond meets up with Felix Lighter after things go wrong for him in Chile. Strawberry is killed. Mathis is betrayed and killed. He is on the run from Mi6, and the CIA.

Bond quips that even the Taxi drivers know where the CIA fronts are in Bolivia. He muses what South America would be like if no one cared about Cocaine of Communists. To which Felix observes is an irony coming from a Brit

The villians of the piece are pursued to a South American hotel.

The pearl of the desert. Its powered by solar panels. One of the baddies comments on the noise the fuel cells make There is a scene, where Bond tells Olga. What its like to kill someone for the first time

Olga is after the South American General who killed her father raped and killed her mother and Sister and left her to die in a burning house.

The South American general. Then attempts to rape the receptionist of the hotel. It sits uneasily with me. As I recalled that the film is set in Bolivia. Though its really Chile. I used to have a thing for a dark haired chilean woman. I noticed the girl doesn’t seem to escape from the attack.

The fight between Bond and Greene, is frantic. Greene flings himself into it, with a manic energy I learn that the actor based himself on Sarko!

So there you have it. I think Daniel Craigs Bond needs more humor. The franchise sometimes overlooks the modern world. Picture phones and You tube when its necessary. On the other hand Craig gives the impression that this is a brutal professional, going about his work. One wonders what will happen when Julie Dench can’t play her part in the films though


Learning Center said…
"I learn that the actor based himself on Sarko!"

OMG this is the end of cinema !

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