Star Trek 2009

When I was 9 or 10. I used to watch Star trek. my favourite character was Spock. I used to refer to myself, as the chief science officer....
The as I started High school. I watched The Next Generation. I remember being frightened of the Borg. I remember doing a picture of Q in my art classes.
I used to watch Deep space 9, in my friends bedroom in university. Too my left I have several Trek licensed stories. Star Trek in Myth and Legend. Vulcans forge...
Oh, and I know someone who looks like Annika Hansen
Then there is J.J Abrams. The man brought us Lost. With the beautiful blond Clare  The man who brought us Alias, who and Cloverfield. Cloverfield, Cloverfield is great. Two pretty actresses and in the end, they nuke something.
When I heard J.J Abrams, was going to take a look at the franchise I was excited
So two things I like. Two universes were coming together. Then I heard rumours that there were problems. The release date kept getting put back. I wondered
Then something surprised me. I was chatting with Charl, and she started to rave about Star Trek. Quite frankly, I was actually surprised she went to see it. She loved it, and then went and watched the wrath of Khan.
So I decided to see it sooner rather then later. I slipped out, this evening to see it. One little fact. Often if I go to see, a film and the bus is late. Or my sister is late. I am annoyed, and I wonder if this affects my judgement of the film. Well today, I had to wait for the cinema, to clean the auditorium. There were some noisy girls behind me, and I didn’t care.
Another factoid, is that the cinema had quite a few older single men. Trekkers. Taking in the picture. They have had nothing since Braga burnt the franchise out

Chris Pine, was Kirk. The last time I saw him, was in  a poster for a Lindsey Lohan film. I never saw the film. I just remember the poster. I was probably looking at the poster, because I was annoyed. Oh and Busted were in the film, or possibly McFly.
Anyway, I knew Jimmy Kirk. or at least I thought it did. The kid does a good job. The cockiness, and cleverness. We see him lose a fight against 4 red shirts and then still swagger. Bragging he would complete Starfleet in 3 years.
Karl Urban, who I last saw in Xena. Playing Caesar and Ares Is cast as Leonard McCoy ``Bones.’’ Drinking as he flies aboard the enterprise. With nothing but his Medical degree
Then there is Zachary Qunito’s Spock. Spock is introduced, fighting as a kid. Taking a test, as he did in Star Trek 4, the voyager home.
Spock’s mother is Winona Ryder. He is half human. There is a lovely scene, after a fight, with Spock with a fat green lip.
Spock  refuses, entrance into the Vulcan science after a comment about his mixed origin being a handicap
Oh and Vulcan looks great. The MC Esher buildings, the desert landscape. The dark robes.
Spock/Quinto is great. He even looks the part. The bowl cut, and raised eyebrow One factoid is that Vulcan's are stronger then Humans. In one scene he is thrashing someone. Its scary. You did wonder if Spock would stop in time Quinto is a study in suppressed rage. He is faster and smarter. Yet when facing the worst. He is still Vulcan ( or at least half Vulcan) When she attempts to comfort him Spock asks beautiful Uhura to ensure the crew do there jobs
Like Lt Cm Data he is perplexed by a friendly tap on the shoulder.
The trio Kirk, Bones, and Spock  first meet, after Kirk, beats the Kobashi Maru. The test, that is supposed to force you to face death. We learn in Star Trek 2, the Wrath of Khan, was that the Jimmy Kirk inserted a chip, into the program to cheat the game. He did not believe in a no win situation.
I could ask why Bones is on the bridge but nevermind
There is an inquest. Where, Spock, tears a few strips of Kirk. Raising an eyebrow.
Then, there is an emergency Vulcan is under attack. Its under attack, from the mysterious force that attacked the U.S.S Kelvin before. A massive Romulan ship, destroyed the Kelvin. Orphaning Kirk, leaving a legend.
The Romulan is played by Eric bana. I am wondering again, who casts Eric. He is a big Aussie. Lets see him do some comedy, rather then grief.
They have got the feel of the film right. The engines are huge. This is the past’s future. There working on the enterprise in hard hats and and overalls. There are pipes and scaffolding everywhere. You might have expected Jack Kennedy to come round and shake the workers hand. The scenes of the Kelvin, have Kirks mother
Sulu fences. Chekov is the Russian prodigy, whose accent cannot be recognised by the ships computer. A cute scene
Uhura gets a larger part then normal. She is the love interest. Rather slyly its Spock rather then Jimmy Kirk, who gets the girl. There is a nice scene on the Transporter.
One interesting aside. Is that Winona Ryder, is playing Spocks mom, and interestingly she wears a head scarf. Star Trek, did racism stories in the day. ``Let this be your last battlefield’ Springs to mind. Is this a sly nod to our worries over immigration and assimilation. Spock is a child of two cultures.
I don’t want to spoil the plot. I will leave it there. Its a wonderful movie.
It boldly goes. It restores the Franchise. The Myth of Star Trek is retold
There is a mention of Cardassian sunrises. Admiral Archers Beagle. Uhura’s roommate is a green skinned Orion girl. Quite busty too
Simon Pegg’s Scotty says banjaxed. Which is really Hiberno English and not something a Scot would say. Its no real matter 


Learning Center said…
Great review! I am still surprised I liked it.
By the way isn't "banjaxed" Irish? Or is it just British slang?
c u

ps: I don't remember setting up a blogger account with the name coffee_maker...
Malchera said…
Banjaxed is Irish. Gerry Adams, is on record as using it.

I was surprised you liked it. OTOH, Trek always had a large female audience. Mag and I chatted about it.

Better to be making coffee then drugs :) Be good

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