Terminator Salvation

I miss Summer. I miss Lena. My Thursday nights are not the same.

Terminator Salvation got strange reviews. The rumour that John Connor would be revealed to be a Terminator. The chatter about Nathan bale being miscast

Its odd to hear Linda Hamilton, rather then Lena as Sarah Connor

The Cameo by a computer generated Arnold. Reminds you why the original terminator was a hit. 

It also reminds you why Arnold became a star. He is a big scary bastard.

Sam Worthington's, accent slips a few times. Would it have killed the writers to throw in a line mentioning he was an Army brat in Australia? A sterling performance by Sam, as Marcus.

 Worthington, is a big strong lad. Which most actors are not. He has the right vibe to pay the role of Marcus. An ex con. A brawler. Happy with cars and radios.

After the Apocalypse the Americans still have perfect teeth. The vegetables in one scene are very fresh too. Now its not impossible they are growing them. Just one wonders where?

The young lad playing Kyle Reese. Anton Yeltin does a very good job. Catching some of Michael Biens mannerisms. Anton also played Chekov in Star Trek. I wonder if he is a face for the future.

There are scenes that make you jump. The people being snatched. The misdirection, used by a Terminator in one scene


The resistance flies Warthogs!

The KZL metaphor is used when rounding up people for Skynet.

Nathan Bale as John Connor got mixed reviews. (Update 14.45 Its Christian Bale as John Connor Opps) I think there is an element of unfairness here. John Connor, is a damn hard person to play. John Connor has been compared to a cross between Jesus Christ and George Washington. Besides Nathan Bale, who else would have had the screen presence. Unless they used a much older actor. I can’t think of one. Remember that in the first two terminator movies we never saw the character. In the series Terminator SCC we see  John as a teenager. Same as in Terminator two, with Eddie Furlong. Teenagers can be stroppy. You can cut them some slack  I don’t really remember Nick Stahl at all as John in T3.

Nice to see Michael Ironside, and the resistance HQ being a sub, is good.  PRC. US, India and RSA?

It was a good film. A solid 7.  I wonder if they finished the story too quickly. They could have had Marcus, and Reese look for Connor.


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