G. I Joe

It’s a toy commerical. Its really silly. Its not bad
The film starts in France.In the 1640’s  With a Scottish laird. The Clan Chief of the Macallans being prosecuted for selling arms to both sides. As a punishment he is forced to wear an Iron mask
We fast forward to the future, and the modern Macallan is selling arms, to NATO. Who have a base in one of the stans?
Sienna Miller has a lot of fun playing the Baroness. She gets some good lines. ``Nice shoes’’ After she pushes a frightened office drone out of a lift during a robbery
General Hawk, is listening to 1940’s music. When there is a raid on the base. The pretty blonde corporal is killed. Stabbed by a one of the baddies That and incident, involving friendly fire seen in flash back. Tells the audience. A lot of whom are going to be boys. That violence has consequnces
There was in light of that a fight between the young snake eyes and Storm shadow. The boys fight it out in the Kitchen. With knives, and one of the boys turning on the gas, and lighting it to attack the other.
Mr Eko from Lost plays,  Heavy Duty  with his British accent. There is an Arab Techie. Oh and Ninjas so all demographics covered
Brendan Fraser gets a cameo. He and Mr Eko watch Ripcord, and Duke train to be part of GI Joe
One of the Wayans clan plays Ripcord.
Great stunts. The final battle is a bit tedious. The set up for a sequal to obvious. Just enough bite to make it enjoyable
OHO Rachel Nicols from Alias, plays a redhead. She was hot :)


Learning Center said…
The Arab techie is actually French. He was in the famous French film La Haine http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113247/
Now he's in Hollywood.
In GI Joe, when they're in prison in Paris, he addresses a guard like he can't speak French...

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