Inglorius Basterds

Its several stories joined together. The Basterds a Jewish force behind German lines To terrify the Germans. There is the story of a Jewish Woman hiding in Paris. Who is has a German soldier pestering her for attention. There is the Jew Hunter Colonel Hans. A great performance, by the Austrian Actor.
Christoph Waltz
People forget, Austrian ruled the Balkans, and it ruled them hard
Affable Austrian charm. All cream, and smiles. Then he kills people
Most of the film is subtitled. There are indeed several jumps in language. French to English. German, to English. A plot point hangs on a trait of body language
Colonel Hans name checks Reinhart Heydrich. The Hangman of Prague
The most beautiful Daughter of the French  Dairy farmer is called Charlotte. Yes I have found this to be trueélanie_Laurent
Is lovely.
Its nice to see Diane Kruger act. Playing a German movie star, fraternising with some troops in a French cafe.
As a war film its not bad. The depiction of Goebbels seems right. The Sniper, makes a dig at the French bourgeois to curry favour with him. Goebbels is touched when Hitler praises his film.
The climax of the story in the cinema, has Germans banging on bolted doors. As they will be burned to death.
The Basterds, however are somewhat jarring. Pitt’s Aldo belongs in a different movie. Why is he a only a lieutenant?
Of all the films, Brad Pitts segments were the least enjoyable. The Barters maim and torture their prisoners. They are by any correct definition unlawful combatants. One of the number is a German Murderer. They are not in uniform.
Strictly speaking it’s an AH film. Is that reference to Nantucket deliberate?
Its not a bad film. Tarrantino  has learned to write  Women. Indeed foreigners.  I wish he cut out the cartoon violence though


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