Pax Romana

Weary Caesar fumbles with the lock

Praising a merciful father for the storms.

The summer had been so hard.

Berber had struck across Africa.

Would there be another cruel Hannibal. Would the legions be lost again?

The cold memory of Cannae. Varus, and Crassus made Rome flinch

The loneliness of sleepless nights, is kin to the grave

The Suevti broke their word. There had been treachery

The farms were idle the ploughmen scattered. The frontier alight

Confusion and panic were the only offerings to

The laughter of strangers echoed in the Forum.

The summer had been so hard.

The storms of winter come. Our ships no longer becalmed

The vestal, to her hearth returned.

In far Gallia or misty Britannia. The matron, listens to her sons Lyre.

Valens has gathered the host. The roads are quiet now

The Caledonian Numeri waves to his woman.

The summer had been so hard

The mother goddess in the north. White skinned and fair

Her strong songs sleeping under the great bear. Tend her flock.

no contention from Ultima thule.

The summer had been so hard.

In far Sheba. Under strange Gods and sunny skies.

Reclining on silk. The Pretty queen Nods at the Ambassador.

Her Handmaid reads the law.

The fine hounds feast. Their Mistresses rage sated.

The summer had been so hard.

The spring snaps shut. The bolt slides across the door

Caesar draws his robe upon his head. The summer had been so hard

Yet Saturnalia. Merry Saturnaila would come.


Hi!! I have to leave my comment from Ushuaia, the capital of the province of Tierra del Fuego and the most southern city in the world :) The post before this intreagues me, why are you having such a hard time? I`d like to knos. I hope it`s better now, whatever was the problem. I send you a big hugh from here.

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